Most nyc nerd related news are at:

NerdNYC Boardgame Night — September 20th, 2013 25 Aug 2013 | 09:02 pm
On FRIDAY, September 20th 2013, 7:00-11:00, NerdNYC will hold its regular Board Game Night at ThinkCoffee (Mercer Street location). If you have game you want to play, bring it with you! If not, come ...
NerdNYC Boardgame Night — August 23rd, 2013 20 Jul 2013 | 10:09 pm
On FRIDAY, August 23rd 2013, 7:00-11:00, NerdNYC will hold its regular Board Game Night at ThinkCoffee (Mercer Street location). If you have game you want to play, bring it with you! If not, come dow...
More nyc nerd related news:
Calling all NYC Nerds in Need of a Hot Ride 31 Jan 2012 | 08:59 am
On Friday, February 3, 2012 at this month’s Nerd Nite, Chevrolet will offer vehicles for Manhattan dwellers to transport themselves to our speed dating and presentations, as well as chauffeured transp...
Season Two 27 Oct 2008 | 06:40 pm
1#iSaw Him First (S2E1) First Aired: 27th September, 2008 In the second-season opener, Carly and Sam both develop a crush on Freddie's "nerd" pal, Shane. They both want to be his girlfriend but it ....
TRAVIS BIO 25 Oct 2011 | 04:43 am
Travis Pastrana is to motor sports, as Harry Potter is to the wizarding world. But Travis actually exists. Sorry nerds. Hailed by many to be near Deity, Travis Pastrana is without a doubt one of th...
My Advice For a Chick Frustrated With Fast Sex 16 Sep 2011 | 03:54 am
I found Juliet Jeske’s post, Dating After Divorce In a City of Sluts, via the Evan Marc Katz blog. Jeske is a divorced comedian and artist in New York City. She’s starting over in the NYC dating scene...
Nerd – Geburtstagstorte 4 Feb 2009 | 08:29 am
Die Geburtstagstorte die eine ältere Dame in den USA kürzlich auf der reich gedeckten Tafel vorfand wäre für Nerds sicher ein Leckerbissen gewesen. Auf der Party sorgte diese allerdings für komische G...
Geeks vs Nerds 5 Jan 2012 | 01:16 pm
Algún parecido con tu realidad? De qué lado estás? Geek o Nerd? Fuente: Ubuntips
Chick with huge nipples fucking a nerd 4 Jan 2011 | 04:15 am
Come on pal, don’t you think you should leave the South Park T-shirt in the drawer when a sexy babe with huge tits and giant nipples wants to fuck you? In fact, maybe you are at an age where it’s time...
Rochester New York Is What You Are Looking For 4 Apr 2012 | 04:38 pm
If you want to know exactly where to visit in NY that is outside of the fast paced markets of NYC, then Rochester New York might be a good alternative for you. As one of the leading cities in the enti...
TechCrunch Disrupt 2010 NYC 4 Jun 2010 | 07:07 pm
TechCunch Disrupt 2010 in NYC was huge. One of the main reasons it had appeal to me was a “Hack Day” in which developers had 24 hours to build an app fom scratch. This hack event occurred on the weeke...
7 Ways To Save Money On LSAT Prep 1 Feb 2009 | 09:46 am
In this guest post, Steve Schwartz, a professional LSAT tutor in NYC and blogger at LSAT Blog, gives 7 tips on how you can save money as you prepare for the LSAT. 1. Download free LSAT PrepTests from...