Most nytimes lentil and rice related news are at:

on fueling (and not fueling) during long runs 22 Aug 2013 | 03:53 am
With nutrition on my mind pretty much all day every day, there are plenty of things I want to write about and plenty of things I already talk and write too much about (pressure ulcers anyone? PEG feed...
battle of brooklyn 10 mile race recap 19 Aug 2013 | 04:47 am
I had been looking for a longer distance to race this month kind of as a tune-up/fitness test leading up to Wineglass – which is in 7 weeks! ahhh – without much luck. Ideally I wanted to run a half, b...
More nytimes lentil and rice related news:
How to Cook Lentils in Rice Cooker 24 Jul 2012 | 09:39 pm
Lentils are small legumes, available in a wonderful variety of distinctive colors, such as red, brown, black, and green, in small to medium sizes. Cooking lentils is so easy, the smaller, the more qui...
Rice and lentil stew 12 Oct 2012 | 04:58 am
Rice and lentil stew A typical Italian New Year’s Eve and we believe will strike every event, even Israel Components: Olive oil 1 onion – chopped large 3 celery – chopped 3 no (dental) – chopped 1 hot...
Lentil Basmati Rice with Crispy Onions 29 Jan 2013 | 12:49 am
I wanted to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year. It’s still January so it’s not *so* late. I wanted to post this recipe up around New Year’s because it’s a nice winter dish. Lentils are also sup...
Swiss Chard with Sprouted Green Lentils & Wild Rice 18 Jul 2013 | 08:05 am
I'm a bit obsessed with Swiss chard and lentils lately. So, why not combine the two? The Swiss chard and scallions are from the Glens Falls Farmers Market and the zucchnini is from my garden. I've a....
Fakokeftedes, Healthful Greek Lentil Burgers, with leftovers 14 Jul 2013 | 07:55 pm
These vegetarian lentil burgers started as an experiment one day when I had leftover Fakes Moudjentra. We loved them and ever since I make more to have leftovers. Usually when lentils with rice are ...
cafe kathmandu 22 Mar 2012 | 10:20 pm
If you have friends who have trekked Nepal and come back to Australia withstories of eating nothing but bowls of rice and lentils for the whole trip – don’t worry that is not the case at Cafe Kathmand...
Lentil stew with rice Recipe (Arroz con Menestra) 22 Apr 2012 | 04:09 am
This recipe is one of best tradiconal ecuadorian food Ingredients : Cooked rice Meat patacones 1 lb beans or Lentils 1/4 lb Pork skin (if you don't find it you can use Bacon) 2 medium red onion...
Lentil Minestrone Soup 5 Dec 2011 | 11:00 am
I’ve shared this week’s recipe for Lentil Minestrone Soup over at Life as Mom. I’ve also added it to the “Rice and Beans Budget” recipe list over on $5 Dinners. Enjoy!
Mexican Zucchini Lasagna 4 May 2011 | 02:12 pm
Super Veggie Lentil Taco "Meat" has a new gig, and just in time for Cinco de Mayo! Layered between thinly sliced zucchini, Mexican rice, spicy tomato sauce, and topped off with some vegan cheddar, thi...
Majadra – rice with brown lentils 27 May 2011 | 02:26 am
Ingredients 3/4 cup brown lentils 2 cups thinly sliced onions 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 cup long-grain white rice 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter Directions Combine the lentils with 1 cup o...