Most nyx orange lip pencil related news are at:

Wet n Wild Fergie Collection: Primer, Highlighter and Lipstick Review 9 Jan 2013 | 06:16 am
I purchased a few items from the newest Wet 'n Wild Fergie release, which I believe is called the Centerstage collection. I found these items at Walgreens, and pricing information will be listed for e...
Shany Cosmetics Eyeliner Gel Set Review + Swatches 6 Jan 2013 | 02:27 am
As with my last post, for Christmas my husband got me a few things from Shany Cosmetics. I saw a video review on YouTube for these and was interested in the bright colors and using them as an eyeshado...
More nyx orange lip pencil related news:
Nyx Perfiladores Labios (NYX Slim Lip Pencils) 5 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
Hola! Hoy os vengo a hablar de unos productos que tengo desde hace un año y pico y por unas cosas y otras nunca había hablado de ellos. Mirando las fotos de la tarjeta de la cámara, me di cuenta que ...
Rainbow Smokey Eyeshadow With Rainbow Lips Tutorial 8 Jan 2012 | 09:19 pm
Like my facebook Other channel Eyes-Wearable Lips-Maybe not *Products I used* NYX jumbo eye pencil-Milk Bh Cosmetics 120 palette #1 Black pencil eyel...
NYX Xtreme Lip Cream in Nude Peach Fuzz & Wonder Pencil in Medium 6 Jul 2013 | 06:57 pm
I recently bought a couple of NYX products and I enjoy them both. I wouldn't necessarily tell other people to rush to the store and buy them as they're not perfect, but considering the experiences I'v...
- SORTEIO RÍMEL, BLUSH & CIA 23 Aug 2013 | 04:27 am
Oi, gente! Que tal ganhar uns presentinhos oferecidos pelo blog de cosméticos Rímel, Blush & cia? Tem capinha fofa da Hello Kitty pra iPhone, pincel pra blush/pó, lip pencil NYX (cor:Dolly Pink), glo...