Most nyx versus swatches related news are at:

NARS Realm of the Senses and Soulshine Blush Palette Swatches and Comparisons 28 Jul 2013 | 01:50 am
I got the new NARS palettes today from Sephora. Each comes with 3 colors and a NARS logo emblazoned across the shades in gold overspray. Here are swatches of Realm of the Senses;Left, Right, Bott...
Guerlain Bois de Rose 11 Mar 2013 | 04:24 am
I've accumulated quite a few Guerlain quads at this point, and for good reason; Guerlain has really stepped up their game since they redid their 4 pan eyeshadows. Today I have swatches of Bois de Rose...
More nyx versus swatches related news:
NYX Jumbo - Swatch 23 Mar 2012 | 09:38 pm
NYX Jumbo Pencil • Un fard de pleoape crema si un produs pentru conturul ochilor intr-un singur creion; • Are o formula cremoasa ce face aplicarea super usoara; • Este disponibil într-o serie uluitoa...
Beauty Joint NYX Haul/Review/Swatches 31 Jul 2011 | 09:06 am
I'm sure a lot of you have heard about Beauty Joint to buy polishes and makeup. I decided to try some NYX products and was debating between Cherry Culture or Beauty Joint. So I put the same things in ...
19 NYX round lip color swatches 31 Oct 2009 | 11:55 pm
please ignore thai font, and here's the original page เริ่มจากสีแรก alecto สีแบบว่า อวกาศมาก เหมาะสำหรับงานแฟนซี night สุดๆ กะว่าจะแต่งไปงานhallowee...
NYX Advanced Salon Formula – Part 5 3 Sep 2012 | 09:00 pm
The next batch of NYX Advanced Salon Formula swatches may seem a bit on the sedate side, but there are a few here that really captured my interest. Fortunately, I’d categorized all these as work appro...
Quickie Swatch: NYX Pumpkin Pie & Summer Love 21 Nov 2012 | 08:36 am
This Thursday is Thanksgiving in the US, so why not bust out with some pumpkin pie? I actually had a slice earlier. =) This cooler weather is also making me miss warmer temperatures, so I thought I'd ...
Swatch the Beep versus iWatch 12 Feb 2013 | 06:50 pm
Nun ist ja gerade eine eventuell bald auf den Markt kommende “iWatch” in aller Munde. Ein Online-Wunderding neuester Machart. Die Artikel über diese Uhr erinnern mich daran, dass ich schon vor 22 Jahr...
NYX Round Lipsticks Collection, review & swatches 24 Feb 2013 | 06:47 pm
¡Buenos días! Hoy quiero enseñaros mi pequeña colección de labiales NYX, en concreto de los round lipsticks. Estos labiales son una excelente opción a tener en cuenta a la hora de buscar un labial q...
HAUL: Goodies from Sleek, NYX, Beauty UK & Wet n Wild 22 Apr 2013 | 10:12 pm
Buna fetelor! Pregatiti-va pentru o postare ceva mai lunga cu multe swatch-uri pentru ca tocmai am primit comanda de la Makeup Shop. Folosesc de multa vreme produsele lor, le iubesc, iar astazi am de...
Swatch versus finished project 3 May 2013 | 10:28 am
Le même (ou presque) en français, c’est ici. One simple comment started it all : “was I going to make an adult version of the Dancing poppies bolero?” This was a great idea. I had the perfect yarn (Ku...
NYX Cosmetics HD Studio Grinding Blush Sangria in Madrid Swatches 20 Aug 2013 | 04:49 pm
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