Most oa related news are at:

怎么样写一个模块上传到 CPAN 11 Aug 2013 | 05:53 pm
1. 写好模块和 POD 文档 需要注意模块的名字,需要是 cpan 上没有的,其它给你的功能写好。内部模块的 […]
DBIx::Custom 提示没有 mysql_fd 方法的解决方法 9 Aug 2013 | 05:05 pm
又一次见到这个问题,又忘记怎么样处理了,让自己想了一下。所以写下来。 DBIx::Custom 是目前最好的异 […]
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Îòêðîâåííûå çíàêîìñòâà 4 Aug 2011 | 08:23 pm
Íàõîäèì äðóã äðóãà íå âûõîäÿ èç äîìà, íèêîãäà åùå çíàêîìñòâà äëÿ ñåêñà íå áûëè ñòîëü ïðîñòûìèè è óäîáíûìè, êàê íà ñàéòå õõõ îäíîêëàññíèêè.
OA Goes to Reuters 23 Jun 2009 | 07:37 am
Sorry to keep everyone hanging for OA’s big news; I was hoping to have a link to the press release, but it’s still not available. Anyway, after a great year blogging for the Implode-O-Meter, OA is he...
OA News… 23 Jun 2009 | 12:43 am
Just a heads up for readers: OA will be announcing some big news later today. (which will also explain why posting has been light the last couple weeks…)
FDIC goes after Ally 17 Jun 2009 | 09:18 am
OA is way late to this. Turns out that the 2.35% rate GMAC/Ally was advertising last week was already a significant cut from 2.8%, made at the behest of the FDIC, which had written a letter instructi...
Fedex: not the greenest company out there, eh? I could maybe... 10 Sep 2011 | 11:57 am
Fedex: not the greenest company out there, eh? I could maybe understand SFO —> Memphis —> SJC. Hub and spoke system, cool. But how the heck did this package go to Oakland, then come back through Oa...
DBZ films en ddl 25 Oct 2008 | 09:33 am
OAV 01: A la poursuite de Garlic OAV 02: Le robot des glaces OAV 03: Le combat fratricide OAV 04: La menace de Namek OAV 05: La revanche de Cooler OAV 06: Cent mille Guerriers de metal OA...
BWY nene, nu mai pierdeti timpul aberand!! 2 May 2011 | 11:28 pm
mi-am schimbat idul pentru ca era full de oameni ciudati care nu aveau nici o treaba cu masajul si am inceput sa lucram oarecum cu circuit inchis, tocmai pentru ca nu mai vrem sa avem de-a face cu oa...
Osteoarthritis Symptoms 12 May 2012 | 05:23 am
With more than 20 million sufferers and an incredibly high number of suspected sufferers, osteoarthritis (OA) claims its place among the leading causes of disability in the U.S. adult population. Oste...
BS Office Administration Subjects for 1st Sem AY 2010-2011 28 Apr 2010 | 12:55 pm
1st Year [COMP1] Computer Fundamentals (2 1 3) [MATH1] Algebra (3 - 3) [ENG1] Study and Thinking Skills (3 - 3) [OA 305] Word Processing w/ Document Production & Internet (1 2 3) [OA 301] Foundat...
8 Ìàðòà! 9 Mar 2006 | 08:17 am
Àäìèíèñòðàöèÿ ñàéòà â ìîåì ëèöå ïîçäðàâëÿåò ìèëûõ äåâóøåê ñ ïðàçäíèêîì âåñíû. Êðàñîòû, ðàäîñòè, óäèâèòåëüíûõ îòêðûòèé Âàì. È, ñàìîå ãëàâíîå, - íàéòè íå òîëüêî ñâîþ ñîöèîíè÷åñêóþ ïîëîâèíêó, íî è íàñòîÿ...