Most obama thoughts on education related news are at:

Educational resource for eco-aware families 23 Jul 2013 | 11:56 pm
If you’d like to educate yourself as well as your family about topics related to environment, being more eco-friendly as well as learn about choosing products that have as environment friendly packagi...
Fun summer vocabulary 23 Jul 2013 | 11:56 pm
Here is a nice video to help your child expand their vocabulary and keep their mind active this summer What new words did you learn this summer?
More obama thoughts on education related news:
Obama to US 6 Aug 2012 | 02:52 am
Education is the most important aspect of the environment because without the knowledge to understand the world we live in its impossible to create a better world for our children. Recently Host of th...
A New President Obama? Thoughts on State of the Union 2013 14 Feb 2013 | 09:12 pm
For years, I’ve had a pet peeve with President Obama. I knew he wasn’t as progressive as many Democrats thought he was in 2008. Don’t get me wrong — I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 ad 2012. But …
Statement by CUNY Interim Chancellor William P. Kelly on President Obama’s Higher Education Plan 23 Aug 2013 | 01:26 am
We commend President Barack Obama on continuing to make higher education a national priority and for proposing actions that put students first. We are encouraged by the president’s emphasis on afford...
Links 8/26/13 26 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Obama’s New Education Proposal: Change, or Changed Subject? Matt Taibbi President Obama takes on the student debt bomb; meanwhile, the Gainful Employment Rule saga enters a 5th year Credit Slips Cal...
Colleges Get Strict on Student Borrowing 20 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
White House In a recent speech that bemoaned the “crushing debt” some students take on, President Obama said the Education Department this fall will contact struggling borrowers to provide informatio...
A Conference, a Dad, an Idea, a Team, Funding, and a Launch: Brooklyn's Own Tinybop is Live on the App Store! 15 Aug 2013 | 08:13 pm
Finally! I’m thrilled to announce Brooklyn Bridge Ventures’ investment in Tinybop, a new Brooklyn-based studio building the most creative and thoughtfully-designed educational apps for kids. Their go...
Green Shadow Cabinet: Obama’s higher education plan will victimize students further 27 Aug 2013 | 09:33 am
August 26, 2013 Prof. Kimberly King, Secretary of Education On the morning of August 22nd, President Obama released a new plan that would actually decrease funding for higher education by tying it t...
Hot Seat Interview: The "Anti-Reform" Supe Who Favors Common Core & Assessments 19 Aug 2013 | 09:53 pm
Here's my latest Scholastic Administrator interview, with Montgomery County's Joshua Starr. Critical of several aspects of the reform movement and the Obama administration's education agenda, Starr n...
Obama’s higher-education renaissance should mean benefits for UB 22 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
In president's new system, federal funding will go to 'value schools' Just why, exactly, did President Barack Obama begin his two-day bus tour in Buffalo? ...
President Obama addresses higher education at UB’s Alumni Arena 22 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
This afternoon, President Barack Obama addressed a roaring crowd of 7,200 people – 5,000 students – at Alumni Arena in a speech that lasted roughly 30 minutes. Obama spoke primarily on his increasing ...