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εν ώρα εργασίας 25 Jun 2013 | 08:38 pm
επισκευή μητρικής πλακέτας sony vaio 24 Jun 2013 | 10:45 pm
Αναλαμβάνουμε την επισκευή της μητρικής πλακέτας σε χαλασμένο sony vaio laptop.
More office 2007 vs 2003 related news:
Download Manual Update Security dan Definition for Microsoft Office 2010 Terbaru 12 Feb 2011 | 04:43 am
Kemarin sudah saya share pada anda semua Microsoft Office 2010,2007 dan 2003,yang mana kalau saya sendiri sekarang lebih suka dengan Office 2010... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website...
Trik membuka file Ms. Office 2007 dengan menggunakan 2003 26 Apr 2012 | 02:32 pm
Jika kita ingin membuka file office 2003 dengan menggunakan Office 2007 itu hal yang biasa, namun bagaimana jika sebaliknya?? Pasti kita akan merasa jutek, kesal, kecewa, menggerutu dan sebagainya jik...
Microsoft Offfice 2003 Profesional + Serial 27 Nov 2011 | 12:44 am
Kalo kemarin sobat gempar69 MS Office 2007 Profesional, sekarang gempar69 akan share Microsoft Offfice 2003 Profesional + Serial Number. Mungkin ada diantara sobat lebih suka mengunakan microsoft off...
Pencarian Letak Menu dan Tombol Perintah dari Excel 2003 ke Excel 2007 26 Dec 2011 | 12:43 am
Ribbon Menu sebagai desain baru tampilan Microsoft Office 2007 banyak mengundang perdebatan di awal peluncurannya. Bagi sebagian pengguna yang sudah sangat familiar dengan letak berbagai tombol perint...
Microsoft Office 2007 Interactive Guide 6 Mar 2011 | 07:37 am
If you just got a new computer, you may have noticed that Microsoft Office 2007 looks quite a bit different from the 2003 version. Luckily, Microsoft has created interactive websites to ease your tran...
Office 2007 Dosyalarını Office 2003′te Açmak 5 Jun 2009 | 12:28 pm
Office 2007 dosyalarını (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx vs.) Office 2003 ile açabilmek için Microsoft’un yayınladığı Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack dosyasını dosyasını indirip bilgisayarınıza kurmalısınız....
Office 2007′ye Office 2003 Görüntüsü Vermek 21 Apr 2009 | 09:29 am
Microsoft, Office 2007 ile birlikte geleneksel menü çubuğundan vazgeçti ve yerine daha ‘şık’ bir yapı getirdi. Bu yapı her ne kadar daha şık görünse de klasik windows menülerine alışkın kullanıcılar i...
Microsoft Office 2007 Compatibility with Office 2003 5 Oct 2009 | 10:29 pm
If you want to use Microsoft Office 2003 but be able to open Office 2007 files, you can download "Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats" here.
Membuka Office 2007 Pada Office 2003 28 Jun 2009 | 01:51 pm
Terkadang teman-teman kebingungan karena ketika teman-teman mengetik dirumah yang ternyata software teman-teman UP TO Date..misalnya pada program pengetikan microsoft office...ternyata menggunakan off...
How to open office 2007 files into Office 2003 13 Feb 2011 | 03:10 am
Today tip will help you to resolve the compatibility issues between the Office 2003 and Office 2007. Because all programs in office 2003 used the old file extensions for its different programs. For e...