Most office genuine advantage related news are at:
Lava XOLO A1000 Advantages and Disadvantages 30 May 2013 | 11:17 am
Lava Mobile has launched a new Android phone called the XOLO A1000. Unlike the previous XOLO X900 and the X500, however, the A1000 is not based on an Intel x86 processor. Lava XOLO A1000 feature 5-inc...
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Features 30 May 2013 | 10:15 am
The Samsung Galaxy note 3 which is scheduled to being launched in July – August this year, is offering a lot of great features, that you could set your expectations high! Such as there are rumours say...
More office genuine advantage related news:
Office 2003 被偵測為非正版軟體時的解決方法 5 Oct 2009 | 08:25 pm
今天遇到這問題,google 了好幾篇文章,不見得有用,繼續嘗試一陣子之後,大概比較可行的方式如下(測試過 Windows XP 與 Windows Vista 環境)。這要分兩部份來解決,首先是換掉 Office 2003 所登記的序號,再來是解安裝 Office Genuine Advantage (OGA) 這個東西。 更換 Office 2003 序號 這裡要講的是正派經營的方法就是了...
Aggiornamento WGA da parte della Microsoft 5 Feb 2012 | 08:20 pm
Da qualche giorno la Microsoft ha annunciato che sta per terminare lo sviluppo di un aggiornamento di Windows Genuine Advantage che fino ad ora ha sempre avuto il compito di controllare la validità ...
Menghilangkan Pesan Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) di windows xp. 5 May 2010 | 06:19 pm
Suatu kali, pernah laptop bos saya dan komputer warnet rekan saya muncul peringatan tentang validasi keaslian Windows yang mereka gunakan. Fitur itu adalah Windows Genuine Advantage, yang bisa disingk...
Download WGA Remover 17 Oct 2010 | 05:42 am
Bagi yg Windowsnya masih paslu eeh palsu alias bajakan (terutama yg gunain Windows XP), pasti pernah tampil WGA-nya kan?? WGA singkatan dari Windows Genuine Advantage (mungkin yah, soalnya saya ngarti...
Cara Menghilangkan WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) 7 Dec 2009 | 01:50 pm
Cara Menghilangkan Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) di Windows XP 25 Feb 2011 | 01:34 pm
Mungkin para pengguna windows bajakan ada yangg bertanya-tanya tentang munculnya WGA (di tray bar) yang mungkin cukup mengganggu, akan tetapi bagi pengguna windows bajakan jangan khawatir, berikut ini...
Cara Menghilangkan Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) di Windows 7 25 Feb 2011 | 03:02 am
Anda Pernah Melihat peringatan "This Copy of Windows is not Genuine" di dekat system tray windows 7 anda? Hal itu disebabkan karena kita tidak memakai sistem operasi windows 7 yang asli alias !!!!BA...
Cara Mudah Mengatasi Windows Genuine Advantage 29 Nov 2011 | 06:10 pm
Sekilas Tentang Windows Genuine Advantage Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) adalah sistem anti-pembajakan oleh Microsoft yang menyatakan keaslian produk Microsoft Windows dalam jaringan bagi beberapa si...
Disable and Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Nag Screen 9 Jan 2011 | 02:35 pm
Click Here To View This Full Article on Microsoft has released WGA Notifications application which effectively turned Microsoft Windows operating system into a ‘nagware’, with a “This copy ...
Awaria serwerów WGA 26 Aug 2007 | 11:01 pm
Serwery Windows Genuine Advantage odpowiadające za weryfikację, czy nasza kopia systemu Windows Vista i Windows XP jest oryginalna poniosły awarię. Po czym każda próba przeprowadzenia aktywacji system...