Most office math markup language related news are at:
– a 'mooh' point | clearly an IBM drone
Will you be my friend too? 15 Sep 2010 | 01:38 pm
The other day I noticed that the traffic on my blog had increased dramatically. I couldn’t really understand why (I have not written anything substantial in quite some time) – all I could see was that...
Moving towards OOXML(S) (update) 31 May 2010 | 07:01 pm
Some time ago I wrote about some of the enhancements of Microsoft Office in terms of how far they have made it in implementing the content of the conformance profile "Strict" or "<S>". As you might re...
More office math markup language related news:
July Resources at Curriki 29 Jun 2013 | 07:06 pm
By Janet Pinto, Chief Academic Officer, Curriki There are new featured resources highlighted at Curriki for the month of July, in math and science, and in social studies and English language arts. Se...