Most offshore asset protection related news are at:

Help With Offshore Banking 29 Jun 2011 | 04:35 am
Offshore banking can be a bit tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. But if you handle it correctly, it can be very rewarding, allowing you to save a high percentage on the taxes you would normal...
How To Get Online Company Formation 23 Jun 2011 | 09:26 pm
When you’re starting a new company, the easiest and fastest way to get started is to get online company formation. You probably already know that many business procedures can be sped up simply by appl...
More offshore asset protection related news:
Asset Protection Presentation for Educated Investors! 9 Jan 2012 | 11:02 pm
In response to the demand for offshore asset protection, we have provided a free Presentation that takes the cake. As always, no other website has presented asset protection in this manner. Hopefully,...
Wall Street Journal Article on Offshore Accounts 2 Jul 2013 | 02:56 pm
Offshore asset protection, and specifically offshore bank accounts, are often topics of law journals and financial press. On Saturday, June 30, 2013, the Wall Street Journal published an article about...
The Sounds of a Global Meltdown: Who really rules the World 11 Oct 2011 | 10:59 am
"The governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world... The first thing people should do is protect their assets, protect what they have ... my prediction is that the savings of millio...
Start Your Own Corporation! 3 Mar 2012 | 06:44 am
Finally! After a great deal of work, we have just re-released my book on corporations and asset protection in the Rich Dad’s Advisor series. For those of you who have been waiting, here is the link. T...
Building a Better Asset Protection Trust 8 Oct 2010 | 01:10 pm
I am an asset protection attorney, a tax attorney, and a law school professor. I recently wrote an article about a revolutionary technique for creating a better asset protection trust. I call this a...
Asset Protection Using an Offshore Trust 24 Aug 2010 | 11:15 pm
Previous case studies on this site were favorable towards the use of an offshore trust for asset protection in the right circumstances. Due to an overwhelming amount of recent case law to the contrar...
You Don’t Have To Move Your Money Offshore To Get Asset Protection 20 Aug 2010 | 07:09 am
If you're aiming to stiff creditors, litigants or an ex-spouse, should you hide your money in Nevis or Nevada? From the article: Forget about hiding money offshore from the Internal Revenue Service-...
Asset Protection Using Irrevocable Trusts 23 Jul 2010 | 06:57 am
In 2002, Client commenced operations in a risky business with heavy government regulation and a potential for significant fines and penalties. In 2003, Client transferred a home and cash in the amoun...
Asset Protection Using Separate Property Ownership 23 Jul 2010 | 06:53 am
Wife was worried about the debt incurred by husband and by the financial risks involved in husband’s business. Husband and wife entered into a post-nuptial agreement in 1991. At the same time, clients...
Asset Protection Using Charging Order Protection 22 Jul 2010 | 06:55 am
Client entered into a partnership with two partners who agreed to perform management services. Client was a passive investor who contributed money, but was not involved in day-to-day operations. The p...