Most oh mah gah related news are at:

It Isn't Goodbye. It's... See You Around, Sexy Face. 23 Aug 2013 | 11:08 pm
I guess if you are among one of the few hundred that still read this blog, this here is for you. I’m keenly aware that I haven’t blogged in months, and so I will precede this missive by saying sometim...
Bored to Death 1 May 2013 | 08:37 pm
It's Wednesday. There's a possibility I have strep throat. As of yesterday I've been suffering from painful injections of antibiotics to my posterior that are making my butt bruised in purple and blue...
More oh mah gah related news:
Tabloid by Errol Morris 6 Aug 2013 | 07:03 pm
I watched Errol Morris's 2011 documentary "Tabloid" yesterday. Ohh...mah..gah... The New York Times calls it a story of "a bit of good, clean, dirty fun." But it's really a story of a woman and her...
Bacon, Brie, and Bourbon Peach Jam Grilled Cheese 31 Jul 2013 | 03:00 pm
Remember when I made this bourbon peach jam and mentioned that I had some ideas for what to do with it? This is one of them. And oh. My. Gah. You guys. This sandwich. Each component of it is a de...
What is Mononucleosis 10 Mar 2012 | 10:52 am
What is Mononucleosis? Mononucleosis (pronounced: mah-no-noo-klee-oh-sus) an infectious disease familiar with name mono or kissing disease. Infectious Mononucleosis commonly cause by Epstein Barr viru... 21 Aug 2010 | 03:10 am
It's been a slow couple of days. Not much to talk about, except that I finally get the desire to go and do something on a Saturday (tomorrow) and my sister isn't available. Gah. Oh well. The movie p...
bazar oh bazar.... 7 Aug 2011 | 04:45 pm
yay..da nk mcok smgu da kta posa..n well done too myself...hehehe..bjya posa ngn jya nya....hehehe.... nk d jdi kn cta...aqi k2 da ad kt mah swa..aduh..bli nsi bryani..6pk cam sdp....tpi hmp...
Oh-Ba-Mah ! 18 Oct 2008 | 11:50 am
Oh..Tahniah!! Empayar Maharaja Lawak Mega akhirnya menjadi milik OSBON 31 Dec 2011 | 06:41 am
Tahniah kepada OSBON kerana telah membuktikan bahawa pelawak lama atau veteren sebenanrnya masih berbisa dan menyengat. Terharu betul aku tadi sebab mereka menang walaupun pada awal-awal rancangan Mah...
OH NOES! Ah RUINED mah bike! 26 Aug 2013 | 08:45 pm
Das Schrauben ist meistens ein esoterischer Kreislauf, wie das Leben oder der grüne Punkt. Man beginnt an einem Punkt und dreht sich schließlich mindestens einmal um das Motorrad, um alles anzupassen....
OH.EM.GEE 24 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
So I had the the week off from work...I say that loosely as I ended up working almost 20 hours...gah. What I had intended on concentrating on is a TON of home projects which I'll explain later. BUT ...