Most oh tidak china models related news are at:

Too old for school? Absolutely not! 22 Oct 2012 | 05:36 pm
There is a period in my life when I am faced with huge decision - one that not only affect my life, but the lives of others.... Its tough. I have to go into full-force, be aggresive and be proac... am picking up blogging again... 13 Aug 2012 | 05:27 pm
For the past few months have been quite hectic...extremely hectic... and still hectic! This added to my natural lazyness, meant I had no time to post and upload photos of my cakes, cuppies and coo...
More oh tidak china models related news:
Inilah wanita paling cantik di cina 16 Sep 2012 | 07:41 pm
Banyak orang kata kecantikan sifatnya relatif. Pendapat ini rupanya tidak dipersetujui media massa China. Model bernama Ai Shangzhen disebut-sebut mempunyai kecantikan yang sempurna seantero China. Pe...
Beijing 2008 7 Jul 2008 | 10:17 pm
Sumpah Banget... 1 hal yang membuat Saia tidak meyangka.. sampai berkata-kata... OH..... Gitu Toh sejarahnya.... oh China... aku respek padamu... ketawa guling-guling lihat mini komik diatas... ada-a...