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"ЛУКОЙЛ" вложит 130 млрд руб. в комплекс гидрокрекинга гудрона на Кстовском НПЗ 27 Aug 2013 | 06:01 pm
Частная нефтяная компания ЛУКОЙЛ инвестирует 130 млрд руб. в строительство комплекса гидрокрекинга тяжелых остатков (гудрона) на ООО "ЛУКОЙЛ-Нижегороднефтеоргсинтез" (Кстово, Нижегородская область), с...
Современная упаковка – недорогая и экологически чистая 27 Aug 2013 | 05:42 pm
Человек ежедневно сталкивается с присутствием в повседневной жизни огромного количества полиэтилена. Он везде – в него упакована практически вся продукция, которую приобретает современных человек. С о...
More oil-capital related news: 28 Apr 2012 | 05:06 am
Stunning Calgary bungalow-CANADAS OIL CAPITAL. Calgary, AB, Canada - $1,975,000 >>
Bovine raises havoc 25 Apr 2007 | 09:42 am
A seldom seen scene on the streets of a German State Capital mobilized some 30 policemen and firefighters just a few days after the Fair was over. Uschi, a pregnant Charolais, left behind dumbfounded ...
Why Writing “See ID” on Credit Cards Is The Worst Thing You Can Do 24 Jul 2009 | 02:51 pm
Yes, even worse than beating puppies. Because credit cards won’t grow up to pee on your slippers. Unless you have Capital One. Back in high school, I did a stint in retail selling greeting cards and ...
10 Bad Driving Habits You Should Pick Up Now That Gas Is Cheap Again 9 Apr 2009 | 02:30 pm
After several years of almost unexplainable rate hikes, one after another, the price of oil has finally settled to previous levels, and sub-two-dollar gasoline has returned. Of course, even as I type ...
Alarma en la comunidad gay de Edimburgo por el asesinato de tres homosexuales 24 Mar 2011 | 06:15 am
Londres, EFE El asesinato en el último mes de tres homosexuales en Edimburgo ha causado alarma entre la comunidad gay de la capital de Escocia, aunque la policía ha manifestado que por el momento no h...
List of Essential Oils 20 Nov 2011 | 11:58 pm
Essential oils and aromatherapy have been common healing and therapeutic methods since the first century. There is also documented evidence of essential oils being used by the ancient Egyptian Pharos,...
Your Opening Round NHL Playoffs Schedule 13 Apr 2010 | 03:28 am
EASTERN CONFERENCE #1 Washington Capital vs. #8 Montreal Canadiens Thursday, April 15th - Game One, Montreal at Washington (VERSUS/TSN, 7pm) Saturday, April 17th - Game Two, Montreal at Washington (...
3 lakh litres furnace oil seized 22 May 2012 | 02:56 am
Rapid Action Battalion seized around 3 lakh litres of furnace oil which was being hauled for black market in Chittagong Sunday night. Rab also arrested 23 people for their alleged involvement with th...
Dividend Announcement 23 Mar 2012 | 05:31 am
DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT 180 ANGEL FUND DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT The Board of 180 ANGEL CAPITAL AG today announced a pro rata dividend in respect of December of 2011 of Euro€ 102.55 per B ordinary share (“B...
Carbon copy pro bib – A Good Value Or Not 27 May 2012 | 04:25 am
Which is it? A lot of think that it’s simply one more business chance but it isn’t. It’s a marketing drive created by a staff headed by Jay Kubassek. The goal is to market the capital master’s intern...