Most ok fine related news are at:

What my heart looks like. 15 Feb 2011 | 05:31 am
Can we skip the part where I mention it has been nearly four months since my last post? Can we consider that glossed over for now? Maybe someday I’ll tell you about it. Not today. Lately I’ve been mo...
More ok fine related news:
undeleted blog 23 Mar 2012 | 02:04 am
mode: ok fine aku memang x bole hidup kalo x menaip cerita mengarut aku. walaupon aku terpaksa guna on screen keyboard dlm process menaip sebb huruf "T" dan huruf "Y" aku ada masalah mental. ini tidak...
“Love Me Please” 20 Nov 2010 | 07:08 am
Flickr Image by MarfaMo That seems to have been my mantra for the past month…ok…fine..… past YEARS. I know. Sad isn’t it? Maybe I should blame the Disney fairy tales, or the corny Hollywood chick fl...
Vampire memang kena hot dan hensem ke? 17 Dec 2011 | 11:10 pm
Ok fine kalau tak hensem dengan hot memang tak lah aku nak tengok cerita tuh. Aku bukan maksudkan Twilight yang team Edward team Jacob tuh. Ceh sungguh loser. Kat Twilight aku dah turn off sikit. Seka...
Cold Mountain 10 Sep 2010 | 07:03 am
Today we needed to do 400 things. But, as always, one of our main priorities was to get up and down or local mountain. I'm pretty sure mountain is a bit of an exaggeration. Ok fine! I'll check the def...
betapa pemalasnya aku!!! 13 Jul 2011 | 03:15 pm
Assalamualaikum semua...ok fine,,lama gle ak dh tak jenguk ini blog..dh bersawang2 dh blog ak....sebenarnyee ak malasssssss yg teramat sgt nk menjengah ini blog...bkn ap,,mls nk membebel...muahahhaha....
akhirnya..... 26 Dec 2010 | 05:44 am
Alhamdulillah akhirnya ak sampai rumah dgn selamat selepas 8 jam duduk dlm perut kereta api....ok fine!!!!!kali ni keta api yg aku naik best sikit.... coach yg ak dapat tersagatlah bersih walaupon ak ...
jeng jeng! 3 Dec 2011 | 06:37 pm
ok i dont what tittle should i put so letak je jeng jeng padahal tak ade pape pun.annoyingnye.ok fine! haha. sooo its been a longgggg timeeee im not update kan.actually i have no idea la nak update bl...
Working Girl Wears: Fashion Favorites 19 Jul 2011 | 01:00 pm
by Working Girl One If you're anything like me, at least twice a week you stand in front of your closet, throw your arms up in defeat and declare "I hate all of my clothes!" OK, fine, more like four...
BIAS terhadap orang gemuk! 11 Dec 2011 | 06:34 am
kau GEMUK? kau? kau pulak? dia? dia GEMUK ke? orang sebelah kau? GEMUK jugak? ok fine. kalau TAK GEMUK sila teruskan pembacaan! kau dan dia dan orang itu yang kurus, slim, shape badan cantik ...
Hellllloooooo! 21 Feb 2012 | 08:52 pm
Ok fine. E di sige na, ako na ang nawala nang 4 months. Hihihi. Iba kasi pag nandito ako sa Pinas, full time nanay at asawa. Sa celfone na nga lang ako nagchecheck ng mails ko or nagchecheck ng facebo...