Most ok vs okay related news are at:

The journal, the apartment, the evil submissions -- the end in sight. 16 Aug 2013 | 07:07 pm
Now that we got the bitchy post out of the way (although there is at least one more partially bitchy post coming, about grown men starting fights on boats -- look forward to that! -- am I the only one...
Kanghwa-No. 16 Aug 2013 | 12:10 pm
I should have been making updates all throughout vacation, because there are a lot of topics that I want to hit, as a result of the things that have gone on during this time. But you know, that's the ...
More ok vs okay related news:
tbhwut: “k”, “ok”, and “okay” are 3 very different things 6 Apr 2013 | 10:34 pm
tbhwut: “k”, “ok”, and “okay” are 3 very different things
Everything OK*? 23 Apr 2013 | 10:51 pm
*AP Stylebook says to use OK, not okay or O.K. And, as you know, I strictly adhere to AP style when writing this blog. Except all the times I write LOL, SMH, YOGM, and HBD. Oh, and also all the times ...
Dogs Inspired by OK Go 27 Aug 2013 | 05:20 pm
Okay, so maybe not. But even if there is some Photoshoppery going on here--the dog that catches the Frisbee is sketchy--it's still cute. (Thanks to Pete for the link.) And speaking of OK Go, this vi...
Renault 9 GTE Broadway(1988-1996) 25 Jan 2010 | 02:43 am
Renault 9 serisinin günümüzde ve geçmişte en çok tutulan modeli olan BROADWAY 1988 yılında bantlardan çıkmaya başlamıştır. Renault Türkiyede fransadaki gibi harf uzantılarının( GTL GTC GTE vs) yerine ...
only difficult in your mind! 28 Oct 2010 | 01:04 pm
anlamak, öğrenmek, kavramak vs. çok tartışmalı kavramlar. Bu kavramları ve ifade ettikleri eylemlerin nesnesini oluşturan bilgi vs. diğer bir takım kavramı da tartışmalı kılan post-modern iklimin varl...
101 Questions 4 Sep 2008 | 03:22 am
Okay, not 101, but a few. I am pondering over closed VS. Open adoption. I read DEBBIE'S blog daily and after waiting for a Russian adoption she opted instead for an open domestic adoption. I read a f...
Making Money Online, Expert Advice – Is Reading Believing? Good Vs GREAT Advice 30 Apr 2012 | 01:01 pm
Looking up startled, I saw that there was a police man tapping on my car window! I must have dozed off! He asked if everything was okay and I assured him it I was okay, just tired. I’d been working th...
Organic food supplements vs Synthetic supplements 8 May 2012 | 07:32 am
Ok so I posted a comment on facebook and I got quite a few questions regarding it so I thought I would clarify my statement. The statement was “Do you know that synthetically manufactured supplements ...
Price vs Differentiation 18 Apr 2012 | 05:05 am
OK, fellow AARP Members , Fill in the blanks, Winston tastes good _______ _ __________ _______! What does this have to do with anything? I’ll get back to that later A price strategy is one where the ...
quick make money – $100$1500 Quick Cash in 1 Hour. No Credit Check, No Faxing, No Hassle, Bad Credit OK. 30 May 2012 | 03:15 pm
$ quick make money - Need cash advance?. Bad Credit Okay. quick make money The approval activity of secured personal loans are very someone and nettle emancipated as you don’t need to in tall word qu...