Most old iphone software related news are at:

Illegal instruction: 4 24 Feb 2013 | 10:02 pm
Some old arm binaries that compiled using iPhone-gcc have "Illegal instruction: 4" when using iPhone 5 and iPad 4 as discussed in The is how...
swizzleMethodsForClass 4 Feb 2013 | 02:47 am
swizzleMethodsForClass.m Select all #import // swap a class's instance method selectors, we do this to overload existing methods in category declarations void swizzleMethodsForClass(Class c, SEL origM...
More old iphone software related news:
iPhone Voice Memos to WordPress via Posterous 29 Jun 2009 | 01:57 pm
With the ability to capture voice memos using the new 3.0 iPhone software, I figured there should be an easy way to publish them direct to WordPress considering there is a built-in share feature on th...
iMacsoft iPhone to PC Transfer v2.6.6 Build 0711 17 Jan 2012 | 09:58 am
iMacsoft iPhone to PC Transfer v2.6.6 Build 0711 | 6.8MB iMacsoft iPhone to PC Transfer, the excellent iPhone to PC and PC to iPhone software, is specially designed for iPhone users. It can fast tran...
My Honest Comparison between IPHONE 4 and SAMSUNG GALAXY SKYROCKET S2 18 Mar 2012 | 08:11 am
Because I've been wanting to get out of Iphone thingy, I decided to grab samsung galaxy S II , it has bigger screen compared to my old iphone 4 and less drop out calls which is a real plus for me who ...
iNeed ! 14 Oct 2011 | 11:09 pm
Hey ya~ Currently I am a bit sad with my old iPhone. It's because my old iPhone does not support the ios5. I really need to replace it with a new one ! So, what I have on my mind now is this ! the io...
iPhone Unlock Software 23 Dec 2007 | 01:00 am
Unlock iPhone software – Why are people paying money to have their iphones unlocked when you van get it unlocked for free! It is very easy to unlock a 1.1.2 iPhone using the right tools of course. I ...
website ideas : I sell old Iphone ! 11 May 2010 | 07:43 am
Hackers expose flaw in Apple iPad, iPhone software (Reuters) 8 Jul 2011 | 02:17 am
BOSTON (Reuters) – Hackers have disclosed a bug in software from Apple Inc that security experts said could be exploited by criminals looking to gain remote control over iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch ...
Sell your old apple iphone 1 Feb 2011 | 12:26 pm
With people standing in line all over Australia and the world to buy the new iPhone 4, you may be asking what can i do with my old iPhone? Apple shipped 47.5 million iPhones in 2010, up from 25.1 m...
iPhone development 26 Jul 2008 | 04:55 pm
Leveraging our long running history with Apple and the Macintosh OS we are now able to provide iPhone software development servces as a member of the iPhone Developer Program. The iPhone OS is both a...
Trade In your Old iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad to Amazon 21 May 2011 | 10:58 am
Posted in All News Have you already upgraded to the new generation iOS device, I mean form iPhone 3GS you jumped to the fourth generation