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Dungortheb (France) - Trip into Obscurity (demo 1996) 27 Aug 2013 | 01:07 am
Dungortheb (France) - Trip into Obscurity (demo 1996) TECHNICAL DEATH METAL Demo 1996 Self released 1. Trip into Obscurity 2. Pandemonium 3. The Last Breath 4. Death Welcome You ...
Resurrecturis (Italy) - No Flesh Shall Be Spared (demo 1995) 27 Aug 2013 | 01:05 am
Resurrecturis (Italy) - No Flesh Shall Be Spared (demo 1995) DEATH METAL Demo 1995 Self released 1. La Paura Del Buio 2. Mark 13 3. Abisso Notturno RESURRECTURIS
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MASSACRA – entire catalogue to be released soon; demo compilation out in November! 19 Aug 2013 | 08:01 pm
Century Media is proud to announce the license of the entire catalogue of France’s biggest death metal band ever: MASSACRA! “After so many years, we finally agreed to re-release our old material, ou...