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More old newspaper logos related news:
Museum of Natural History: Where should it be? 2 20 Dec 2008 | 09:11 pm
Continue from here. After foraging old newspaper clips, I've managed to come across this clip; dated January 2008; concerning an idea to gazette the current Bukit Persekutuan as a hutan simpan and lo...
Old Truck Logo 3 Mar 2011 | 12:39 pm
Old Joe Funk Logo Tee Slow down…Take it Easy….Smile…Laugh…Live. Old Joe Funk Tees are great way to remember to not take everything so seriously. These are times to sit back relax and remember! All...
Fabric Hairclips… 6 Jan 2012 | 07:17 am
Happy New Year everyone! Hopefully it’s not too late for that, as well as I almost forgot to blog about these Double Bow Fabric Hairclips I have made some times last year; A vintage old newspaper pri...
23 USES FOR OLD NEWSPAPER 16 Apr 2011 | 04:00 am
I know we all recycle our newspapers, but just in case you have an emergency and some paper that hasn’t gone to be recycled yet, here are some uses for it: 1. Protect car seats from muddy or wet clot...
Groceries in Your Backyard – Back to the Future? 1 Mar 2012 | 12:45 am
I’m about to swing wildly off-topic here. Blame it on my addiction to old newspapers and magazines. I cruise through them for cool images for collage, and — the next thing I know — I’m suddenly lear...
1917 Newspaper Article – Innocence? Naivete? 4 Feb 2012 | 11:43 am
I love old newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, when I’m browsing through them, I see an article or an illustration that I can hardly believe I’m seeing. This isn’t the strangest photo I’ve ever seen...
Newspaper Upcycled into Wallpaper 31 Jul 2010 | 02:03 am
“Newsworthy” is this upcycled newspaper wallcovering – made from 100 percent recycled newsprint from Weiztner Limited: “Using an age-old technology of upcycling old newspapers, 100% real newsprint s...
Vintage box and old newspapers 17 Jul 2012 | 11:11 pm
I've bought this vintage box at a flea market. I've been wondering for all this time about its use. Maybe a watch holder or something like that?. At the same time, I've been carrying for about fort....
Bismillah... Aku ni idok ler rajin nak baca suratkhabar ni. Selalu baca pun tengah niaga. Itupun surat khabar lama sebab balut apam balik pakai old newspaper. Tengah dok leka balut apam balik tiba - ... 7 Jul 2012 | 02:22 pm
TESCO Mutiara Damansara cheap prices, cheaper manners If you plan to do a bit of shopping at Tesco Mutiara Damansara (the one adjacent to The Curve), make sure you chuck some old newspapers into you...