Most old school italia film related news are at:

Back and forth across the plaza 10 Jun 2013 | 01:04 am
It's the final weekend of the NYCB's Spring Season, and so on Friday night I found myself sloshing through Hurricane Andrea to get to the State Theatre. On Saturday I went to Le Corsaire at the ABT, a...
Back to the NYCB 3 Jun 2013 | 06:33 am
Returning to the NYCB after the circusy Don Quixote of ABT was like a palette cleanser. Were the performances perfect? No, but I felt at all times that I was watching a remarkable company perform the ...
More old school italia film related news:
Bullet to the Head is a fast paced 30 Jul 2013 | 10:29 pm
Watch The Wolverine Online Free Bullet to the Head is a fast paced old school action film. It recalls the days of the endless string of somewhat cheesy, but fun action packed crime thrillers of the 80...
10 Great Digital Photography Techniques 15 Apr 2012 | 11:57 pm
10 Great Digital Photography Techniques Digital photography has revolutionized picture taking, no more old school film and driving to the drug store and waiting for film to develop. Digital cameras a...
Killshot 11 Apr 2009 | 12:50 am
A film elején azt éreztem, mintha a rendező személyesen nekem írt szerelmeslevelét olvasnám. Vagány, old-school stílus, erőszak, mellek, Mickey Rourke és más remek színészek, balfasz vs. profi gengszt...
Where’s Waldo? | PhotoBlaster 4 Feb 2011 | 10:11 am
What do you do? I make film, i do underground art work, I use old school cameras, I do films and I do photo-documentaries. What camera are you using? I use the PhotoBlaster camera. It’s got two lense...
Reader Question: What Is Drawn-on-Film Animation? 21 May 2012 | 07:46 pm
Jensen asks: "I was watching this sick, totally trippy old school Norman McLaren thing the other day and I want to know how he does it. Like, can I learn how to do that? It doesn't look like normal a...
Cyclotope - Old School Animation 21 Jan 2012 | 02:36 am
A short experimental film Tim Wheatley based on early animation techniques of zoetropes, cycles and loops, accompanied with music composed by Lee Chapman. This film was shortlisted and received a spe...
Monty Python Team Set to Reunite for New Movie 29 Dec 2010 | 01:09 am
Brace yourself for some old-school silliness – it would appear that there’s a Monty Python reunion on the cards. Terry Jones is set to direct a film called Absolutely Anything and has reached out to h...
Sinema Old School 10 Dec 2007 | 04:24 pm
Filming started yesterday and it’s crazy due to the mad down pour. Fricking unfriendly weather, but fortunately for us it worked for the scenes we were shooting. I’ve got some pictures, but I don’t ha...
He Shoots Film I 12 Jun 2012 | 08:55 pm
He doesn't know it but I am his biggest fan and his photos always leaves me floored. Yes, these photos were taken using an old school film camera. The tediousness of it all.
Oscar Animators Hope To Be Taken Seriously 1 Mar 2013 | 02:57 am
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.— In the film category for animated feature films at 2013’s Oscars there is a movie set in medieval Scotland, one based on characters from an old-school video game characters, one...