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More omg happy tears face related news:
Happy Birthday to my Dharma Brother and Close Friend on the Path 27 Mar 2013 | 05:07 am
happy birthday to a friend who, through the years of wear and tear, of ups and downs both pleasant and unpleasant, has born the weight of the test of time. vigilance and fortitude in the face...
Happy Birthday Mak 1 Apr 2013 | 08:43 am
A mother is someone who Makes you smile when tears are streaming down your face Just by telling you things will be okay Stays up all night and waits until you fall asleep Just to chase your nightm...
Happy Mother’s Day to Every “Good-Enough Mother” 7 May 2013 | 05:46 pm
For many of us, Mother’s Day stirs something deeply loving. For others, ambivalent feelings abide. You see, after thirty-three years in the counseling field and drying the tears off many faces, I ca...
Secret to Seunggi’s dazzling smile – Perioe White Now 18 Aug 2013 | 08:25 pm
Hello. I am wonderful white smile Perioe model, Lee Seunggi. (LOLs. omg how did he keep a straight face saying that line!) Happy to meet you. While using the White Now during filmings, it was really ...
Nuevas fotos de Thalia festejando su cumpleaños (25.08.2013 – 26.08.2013) 26 Aug 2013 | 08:55 pm
Thalia: “Happy birthday to me! y comienza la fiesta desde ya!” Thalia: “Omg!!! Here we go! Face and all! Obviamente tenía que ser el pelón! Mordida!!!!” Thalia: “Deja que te atrape y vas a ver cómo ...