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Ranbir Kapoor to star in Ravi Chopra's next 3 Jan 2008 | 01:56 am
Ranbir Kapoor to star in Ravi Chopra’s next Looks like Ranbir Kapoor’s kitty is filling up fast. The actor has been roped in for Ravi Chopra’s next film to be directed by Rahul Dholakia (of Parzania ...
Yunho – J.Rich Goodbye My Love Teaser 12 Apr 2010 | 02:50 pm
OMG OMG OMG LOL la cancion se escucha super Yunho me rompe el corazon T-T Filed under: Uncategorized
Really?! 16 May 2011 | 02:07 am
Anyone watch Eurovision? …Jedward? JEDWARD? Nothing against Ireland or the song, but Jedward… And omg, UK actually got 100 points? Well I never. Kudos to Blue; they were okay, not the best. Winners we...
博客恢复更新 7 Dec 2011 | 06:41 am
今天终于有时间再看一下博客,之前的一篇文章竟然是5月份的!!OMG~~ 我的博客已经这么长时间没有更新了。我觉得有以下几个原因: 首先,今年是我出来创业的第一个年份,要处理的事非常多,打理博客时间少了。 第二、我在玩微博 和 推@rady4 ,他们占了我很多碎片化时间,真正思考的时间反而少了。 第三、从原来的.net转向 LAMP 也费了很多时间。 不过理...
Zapfufer zu verkaufen! Bitte weitersagen! 6 Mar 2012 | 05:28 am
Nein, sowas ist einfach nicht lustig. Das ist einfach nur schlimm Omg Hahahaha Teilen Link
Hello Katie – Planet Katie Gallery 6 Nov 2006 | 07:52 am
Here are a few pics from her latest set from her members area, called “Hello Katie“, as Planet Katie is in her Hello Kittie outfit. This is a very good set, spanned over about 150-250 full size (the o...
Samsung Galaxy S3 Leak Render or NOT! 22 Mar 2012 | 12:43 pm
OMG!!!! SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 FOR REALZ?! So I woke up this mourning and saw another Samsung Galaxy S3 rendering that was worse then the last one so I wanted to show people how easy it is to make your...
26Oct2009 Yunho filming heading to the ground 27 Oct 2009 | 03:55 am
OMG what a ‘relief’ 7 Mar 2012 | 07:16 am
JLS are coming to Habbo!
Dublado – O Gato de Botas – TS 27 Dec 2011 | 10:37 pm
A trama antecede o primeiro Shrek e mostrará o felino em um plano de assalto ao lado de Humpty Dumpty e Kitty para roubar a famosa gansa das fábulas que bota ovos de ouro.