Most omnia hd related news are at:

HTC z novo globalno platformo blagovne znamke spreminja status quo v industriji 26 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
HTC je predstavil svojo najbolj odmevno in inovativno marketinško kampanjo. Nova platforma blagovne znamke, imenovana »The Change«, predstavlja novo dolgoročno strategijo družbe. Slednja izpostavlja i...
EISA nagrado za najboljši napredni mobilnik prejel HTC One 23 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
HTC je ponovno osvojil priznanje za svoj že visoko uveljavljeni HTC One. Pametni telefon je prejel EISA nagrado za najboljši napredni pametni telefon v Evropi za 2013/2014. S svojim vzdržljivim alumin...
More omnia hd related news:
My thoughts about Iphone 4 and Android mobiles 14 Feb 2011 | 12:17 am
I am close to buying a new smart phone and a debate has started to take place in my head, Iphone or an Android phone. My previous phone, a Samsung Omnia HD or I8910 features the Symbian OS. Now that I...
Latest Mobiles 26 Oct 2010 | 02:07 am
Latest Mobiles Nokia 600 HTC HD2 Galaxy S II Vivaz pro Nokia 700 HTC VIVID i890 Omnia HD Xperia X10 Porsche P9981...
Samsung’s Hi-Def Cameraphone 17 Feb 2009 | 02:40 pm
Samsung’s new Omnia HD continues the South Korean company’s quest to shoehorn big things into small boxes. Following rumors of an ill-conceived 12MP cameraphone comes this oversized handset which is c...
The Twilight Saga New Moon 2 Mar 2012 | 12:47 am
Genre : Simulation File Name : thetwilightsaganewmoon.jar File Size : 2314kb Supported Phones : (Nokia) 5800 Xpress Music, N97, 5530 Xpress Music (Samsung) i8910 Omnia HD (SonyEricsson) Satio Twil...
Samsung i8910 Omnia HD ‘I8910XXJB1’ update finally goes live 12 Feb 2010 | 07:27 am
Samsung has finally released its new firmware, dubbed I8910XXJB1 for the i8910 Omnia HD. This brings with it a number of improvements including faster performance, stability as well as kinetic scrolli...
Skyfire 1.5 for Symbian S60 5th Edition launched [Video] 24 Jan 2010 | 07:27 am
Skyfire has launched version 1.5 of its mobile browser for Symbian S50 5th Edition handsets (including the Samsung i8910 Omnia HD). The update brings full support for high-resolution screens, a new UI...
Samsung Reveals Another Omnia Variant - Omnia Pro 29 Apr 2009 | 04:14 pm
Samsung’s Omnia is aiming to be a presence like no other with variations seemingly creeping out of the woodwork every now and again. After only the recent reveling of the Omnia HD i8910, the next step...
Nokia N97 Themes : Vector Face 29 May 2012 | 03:51 pm
Download free vector Face Theme posted by crazysun321 Compatible Nokia Phone : Nokia 5800 Themes, Nokia n97 Themes, Nokia 5530 themes and Samsung Omnia HD themes Download Nokia N97 theme nokia 3500 те...
Our Samsung Galaxy S Forum and Samaung i9000 Galaxy S Blog launched 20 Jun 2010 | 01:26 am
While the Samsung i8910 Omnia HD is still a top mobile phone and still going strong thanks to all the custom firmware we have had over the past year. But Its hard to ignore Samsung’s new Android top d...
HyperX HX-V3 Custom Firmware released – 24 fps 720p video fix 18 Mar 2010 | 09:48 pm HyperX has released his HX-V3 firmware. This firmware is without a doubt the best you can get on your i8910 Omnia HD. I’ve recorded a few quick video sample...