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Salutari de la Peles!!! 26 Aug 2013 | 11:39 pm
Unde azi vremea este foarte frumoasa, soare si racoare pe seara, unde cazarea e de vis (Multumim, Miss), statiunea arata bine ca intotdeauna, aer curat, miros de conifere si foarte multa liniste. Ce v...
Cazare in Porto 26 Aug 2013 | 03:07 am
Cazarea noastra in Porto a fost la Eurostars Oporto si a fost perfecta. Perfecta-perfecta :) Tot cu aproape 70 de euro pe noapte, dar am avut micul dejun inclus. Nu stiu ce sa va mai spun in afara de ...
More omnia turism related news:
Samsung Omnia W Review – What You Need To Know? 21 Apr 2012 | 03:31 pm
Samsung Omnia W happens to be a gadget which in its true sense in making waves all around the globe. It is commonly called as the Samsung’s Windows 7.5 Mango phone for the Smartphone market across the...
Ebay Newsletter bug 10 Jan 2012 | 06:43 pm
Ebay(India) Send a newsletter to my gmail account. Shop on ebay for 99. In that they are offering Samsung Omnia W I8350 (costing Rs. 20,900) for Rs. 49400 (Must be copied from the LG LED TV offer. ). ...
Testing the Omnia W 29 Dec 2011 | 08:48 pm
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problema cu samsung Omnia II i8000 30 May 2012 | 12:59 am
Salut tuturor, am si eu o problema cu Samsung Omnia II i8000 , azi de dimineata l`am bagat la incarcat cam 30 de minute l`am scos si am plecat la munca mergea foarte bine pana am ajuns la metrou si l`...
Omnia II probleme 10 Apr 2012 | 03:27 am
Salutare , Am si eu un Omnia II de un an de zile. Toate bune si frumoase pana acum o saptamana, l-am inchis ca ma stresa cineva cu telefoane si cand sa-l deschid ramanea blocat la windows, i-am scos ...
Hotel Astoria Iasi devine Best Western 27 Oct 2009 | 03:13 am
Compania Turism Moldova, controlata de omul de afaceri Catalin Danut Prisecariu, a afiliat hotelul Astoria din Iasi la reteaua internationala Best Western, aceasta fiind a 14-a unitate a lantului in R...
Samsung Omnia W for the wackiest writer 11 Feb 2012 | 05:33 am
Love is in the car and here’s calling witty , wacky writers to ignite their imagination & wear the madcap. All you have to do is , write dialogues of a man who is all set to propose his valentine.Ther...
Original – SAMSUNG AB653850CU Akku Li-Ion 1500 mAh für Samsung GT-i7500 Galaxy / GT-i8000 Omnia II / GT-i9023 Google Nexus S / Player Addict / SGH-i90... 28 May 2012 | 01:00 am
Original – SAMSUNG AB653850CU Akku Li-Ion 1500 mAh für Samsung GT-i7500 Galaxy / GT-i8000 Omnia II / GT-i9023 Google Nexus S / Player Addict / SGH-i900 Omnia – Geld-Zurück-Garantie! Original – SAMSUN...
Bvlgari Omnia Coral 7 May 2012 | 07:53 am
essence of summer. A radiant, floral-fruity eau de toilette, this utterly joyful fragrance bursts with tasty colors, juicy undertones, and an abundance of flowers. Notes: Bergamot, Goji Berries, Hibi...
Review: Samsung Omnia 7 9 May 2012 | 10:04 am
Hace un tiempo pude adquirir un Samsung Omnia 7 un maravilloso smartphone y lo mejor: viene con Windows Phone 7 Que puedo decir de mi experiencia ? Acá está mi opinión tanto de el móvil como del S.O ...