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Swype for Symbian - New beta release for Symbian S60 5th Edition 29 Oct 2010 | 11:40 am
You can now download a new beta release of Swype for Symbian for S60 5th Edition devices. Swype provides a faster and easier way to input text on any screen. With one continuous finger or stylus moti...
Symbian: separate builds for different S60 editions 27 Jul 2010 | 08:12 am
Symbian’s build environment was never really my favorite one. Recently I was working on a project using different APIs on S60 3rd, 3rd FP1, 3rd FP2 and 5th editions. Typical Symbian project contains a...
Opera Mini for Next generation browsing-Symbian S60,blackberry ,java 23 Sep 2009 | 09:19 pm
Platform : Symbian S60,blackberry ,java Opera Mini 5th version , is one of the browsers supporting next generation browsing capabilities . It is compatible with all symbian s60 version mobile phones ...