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What is The "Internet of Things"? 21 Aug 2013 | 03:07 pm
It’s a dumbass name, admittedly, but one that’s already having a significant and growing impact on how we do business around the world. If you haven’t heard of the Internet of Things (IoT), it’s time ...
Your Brand in One Word 13 Aug 2013 | 04:33 pm
There’s a game we like to play here at Birddog where, during a client meeting, we randomly point at a member of the Birddog crew and have them explain Birddog in one word.
More one point b2b dealer related news:
One Point bringt Online-Shop speziell für Blu-ray 25 Aug 2011 | 06:52 pm
„Keep it simple“ lautet die Devise des neuen B2B-Webshops Statt auf ein uferloses Warenangebot setzt man ganz bewusst auf eine sorgsam ausgewählte Produktpalette rund um das Duplizieren v...
One Point bringt Online-Shop speziell für Blu-ray 25 Aug 2011 | 11:52 am
„Keep it simple“ lautet die Devise des neuen B2B-Webshops Statt auf ein uferloses Warenangebot setzt man ganz bewusst auf eine sorgsam ausgewählte Produktpalette rund um das Duplizieren v...
Baggies and Jars : Marijuana Packaging 24 Jul 2013 | 02:16 pm Widgets Marijuana comes in all different kinds of baggies and packaging but there are a few types of packaging that every dealer has used at one point, and every stoner has paid for and re...
Playing blackjack 16 Feb 2010 | 11:45 am
The Dealer’s Hand The dealer’s hand is scored as the highest possible score after the first cards are dealt. Any Ace in the dealer’s hand is presumed to be worth 11 points. There is one exception to...