Most ongoing anime for android related news are at:

Another: [Underwater] Another 00 - The Other -Karma- (DVD 576p) [31B44743].mkv 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Another: обновление: [Underwater] Another 00 - The Other -Karma- (DVD 576p) [31B44743].mkv (319.6 MБ)
Joshiraku: [gg]_Joshiraku_-_03_[ED67B490].mkv 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Joshiraku: обновление: [gg]_Joshiraku_-_03_[ED67B490].mkv (276.1 MБ)
More ongoing anime for android related news:
Using Animations and Creating Custom Animations for Android 26 Sep 2010 | 08:18 am
Using animations in your Android applications can help create an interesting and engaging experience for your users. They can be used in games and applications in a number of ways either as a visual t...
ICS Phase Beam Live Wallpaper (gratuit) 15 Apr 2012 | 04:15 am
DESCRIPTION : Il s'agit d'un clone du nouveau fond d'écran animé de Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Par rapport au fond d'écran d'origine, celui-ci a en outre un effet d'animation 3D lors du défileme...
Anime Dubbed 13 Oct 2008 | 08:41 am
Please read FAQ if you have problem with the site/video. For new/ongoing Anime come here For Anime movies/ova come here For anime dubbed come here AAAA Avatar (up ep53) Afro Samurai dub Angel Tail...
New/ongoing Anime 6 Oct 2008 | 04:42 pm
Please read FAQ if you have problem with the site/video. For new/ongoing Anime come here For Anime movies/ova come here For anime dubbed come here Rosario + Vampire (auto update)(Ep 3) Bleach (Ep ...
IT Crowd themed boot animation for Android phones 10 Jan 2012 | 05:18 am
If you have a rooted Android phone, maybe you’ve messed around with replacing your boot animation (there are ways to do it without root, but you’re rooted anyway, right?). I was bored a few months ag...
Tutorial Ganti Animasi Transisi Android (ROOT) - How change animation transition android 12 May 2012 | 04:21 am
Pengen animasi-animasi transisi androidmu kayak gini? Flip : Bounce : Fold : Flyin : Caranya gampang. Yang pasti syarat utamanya adalah android agan mesti ROOT dulu. -Cara root di sini. Dan disa...
Cara Mengganti Boot Animation Pada Android 24 Jun 2012 | 04:22 pm
-Syarat, Status Android: ROOTED -Backup file original, sebelum melakukannya Apa itu Boot Animation..?? Boot Animation adalah Gambar animasi yang tampil saat perangkat/devices melakukan booting untu....
2.4.0 Will not boot 14 Aug 2012 | 06:30 am
Hi there, I have been trying to load Cronos 2.4.0 on to my hero and finally managed to flash the ROM but now it seems to be stuck in a reset loop on the boot animation. The android waves, then the s...
[Animated TV Series] Ultimate Spider-Man | Season 1 (Ongoing) 8 Oct 2012 | 04:47 pm
[Animated TV Series] Ultimate Spider-Man | Season 1 (Ongoing) Ultimate Spider-Man Quote: About Ultimate Spider-Man is an American animated television series based on the superhero character publis...
FUBIZ AWARDS | ANIMAL SERIES 15 Apr 2013 | 02:14 pm
It appears my ongoing Animal Series has been nominated for an award in Paris by the good people of Fubiz. You can vote for it in to win in one easy to click on their site (no registration needed) via...