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EVault Adds Enterprise-Grade Backup and Recovery Appliances 21 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
EVault Adds Enterprise-Grade Backup and Recovery Appliances Aug. 20, 2013- EVault, Inc., a Seagate company (NASDAQ:STX), today announced a new portfolio of EVault® backup appliances, expanding its en....
Venyu Teams with Coretelligent on Cloud Backup Services 20 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
BATON ROUGE, LA-(Marketwired - Aug 19, 2013) - Venyu, a leading provider of cloud services, business continuity and battle-tested data recovery solutions, today announced its partnership with Coretell...
More online backup storage related news:
Gratis/Free 10Gb Online Backup storage 2 Apr 2010 | 02:22 pm
Gratis/Free 10Gb Online Backup storage – Gratis 10Gb tenpat penyimpanan data. Ketika kita memiliki sebuah atau beberapa data penting, menyimpannya pada satu media saja (pada komputer kita) masih kura...
Memopal: software di backup online e storage 18 Apr 2011 | 10:03 am
Memopal è un software di online backup (storage online) che archivia in tempo reale i tuoi file su un server sicuro. Memopal è disponibile in 3 differenti piani: Free, Personal e Business. Il primo ...
Avira Secure Backup offers 5GB of Online Backup Storage 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
If you ask people around, many still prefer to backup their important files and folders on a hard drive – an external one. However, online backup is getting quite a lot of attention of late. There are...
How to choose the right online backup service for you 7 Mar 2013 | 11:45 am
Online backup storage is becoming a popular option due to the low cost per MB and the convenience of having all your important data in the cloud. As opposed to taking backups on hard drives and DVDs, ...
Why You Need Cloud Storage??? 3 Apr 2012 | 11:08 pm
Cloud computing is a combination between the use of computer technology and Internet.While cloud storage itself is an online data storage media. To be able to access the data, users will be connected....
Is Online Backup Secure? 5 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Posted on Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. With the advent of social media, many aspects of our lives have become much more public than at any other time in our history. However, th...
Services for backup and what it does not apply to you. 8 Mar 2012 | 07:47 pm
From time to time I read horror stories about how a provider of online backup loses customer data. The customer goes to a man on a crusade to the reputation of the company a loss of your data in all t...
They are likewise a remote file admittance service 25 Jan 2012 | 02:28 pm
SpiderOak is an online backup servicing and a lot of! They are likewise a remote file admittance service as advantageously as a remote file admittance servicing. SpiderOak may be applied with Linux, M...
Online backup for your system 17 Feb 2012 | 12:23 am
With technology advancements being made in every field it’s not surprising to see that the world of computers has something new every single second of the day. Right from remote trouble shooting to sy...
Back Up 25 Sep 2009 | 07:53 am
I went back to my old hobbies lately {digiscrapping and blogging} and makes me think about online backup for all my files! I may not be doing something really critical but for...