Most online dating profiles related news are at:

Words Tell the Full Story 30 Jun 2013 | 06:53 pm
The last day of Wordcount Blogathon and the challenge was to add a Word Cloud. I used Tagxedo, which was fun. What you see are the tags I use for this blog. Size was determined by the website appl...
Telling Personal Stories 29 Jun 2013 | 04:09 pm
Day 29 of the Wordcount blogathon. I will make my goal of blogging every day for the month of June. It’s not really such a big deal, but it does require effort to write every single day. And, it requi...
More online dating profiles related news:
How to take photos for your online dating profile 1 Feb 2012 | 03:10 pm
Many of the people for whom I’ve written dating profiles have asked my advice on photos. I thought I’d create a small guide for them and for you. Feel free to forward this to your friends out there w...
6 Fool-Proof Ways to Improve Your Online Dating Profile 4 Sep 2011 | 07:25 am
n love - as in life - image matters a lot. When you set up or revamp your online dating profile, it's smart to present yourself in the best (and safest) light. How, you might ask? Just follow our six ...
How to make the most of your online dating profile 24 May 2012 | 08:51 am
As online dating continues to grow as one of the leading ways to find love and romance, making your personal profile stand out from the many thousands of others is more important than ever. So here ar...
Why Isn’t Your Online Dating Profile Getting the Hits You Want? (Part 2) 14 Apr 2012 | 08:23 pm
In my previous post titled Why Isn’t Your Online Dating Profile Getting the Hits You Want (Part 1), I found an ad that sparked my curiosity. The female described herself in such a way that I could not...
Why Isn’t Your Online Dating Profile Getting the Hits You Want? (Part 1) 4 Apr 2012 | 04:36 pm
So you’ve spent hours sifting through your online photos and editing your profile info, all in hopes of having an inbox flooded with possible suitors and the occasional penis picture? You’re not the o...
Socal Media causes thumbnail addiction 19 Nov 2011 | 10:27 pm
No, not the things on the end of your thumb, but the little pictures of people’s faces that we see on their Facebook profiles, LinkedIn profiles, online dating profiles, and probably every other socia...
Social Proof in Online Dating Profiles 20 May 2009 | 07:56 am
What if there was a way to influence potential online daters to perceive you and your Plenty of Fish profile as more attractive? There is a way, it may not be up some people's alley, but we're going t...
6 Fool-Proof Ways to Improve Your Online Dating Profile 26 Apr 2011 | 10:05 am
In love - as in life - image matters a lot. When you set up or revamp your online dating profile, it's smart to present yourself in the best (and safest) light. How, you might ask? Just follow our six...
Good Headlines for Dating Sites: 10 Real Examples 1 Aug 2011 | 10:51 am
10 Real Examples of Good Headlines for Dating Sites and Why They are Good These 10 online dating profile headlines are straight from the horses mouth. I have selected them from a very popular online...
Dating Profile Help: What Should You Talk About 12 Mar 2011 | 03:06 pm
Just what should you say when writing an online dating profile? What do you talk about, how much do you tell them? For many people, it is very uncomfortable to talk about themselves. It wasn’t i...