Most online music player related news are at:

Jumplist Launcher: Create Custom Jumplists in Windows 7 12 Jun 2012 | 09:59 am
Windows 7 taskbar is very useful, but sometimes due to lack of space you can’t put all your favorite programs on it. To resolve this problem, you can use the Jumplist Launcher, a small free program th...
4shared Music: Download and Stream Music on Your Android Device 10 Jun 2012 | 02:28 pm
4shared Music is a music application for Android that allows you to listen to thousands of songs online from your Android smart phone. The functioning of the 4shared Music is very simple. When you ru...
More online music player related news:
An Online Music Player That Changes Things Altogether 12 Jun 2013 | 06:25 am
The everyday life of a normal man is quite boring and there is nothing charming in it if it is free from the rhymes and beautiful chords of musical instruments, the vibes of which touch the heart and ...
Music Player and Sound Icons 2 Mar 2011 | 05:48 pm
Are you addicted to music? Are you addicted to computer graphics? so are we, and now we give you some free vector music icons to complete your mp3 player graphics. These colorful player buttons are pe...
Kontes VK untuk user Indonesia periode Februari 2010 dengan hadiah Apple iPod Nano 6 Feb 2010 | 10:42 pm
Kontes VK periode Februari 2010 telah dimulai, tepatnya mulai dari tanggal 6 Februari sampai dengan 20 Februari 2010. Hadiah yang disediakan adalah 40 unit Apple iPod Nano® – a music player with video...
Chris Ferguson chiarisce la sua posizione rispetto a Full Tilt 2 Feb 2012 | 11:00 pm
Pubblicato in: Poker Online, Poker Players Chris Ferguson è uno dei volti noti coinvolti nel Black Friday e nel successivo crollo di Full Tilt, alle spalle del quale si celava una truffa ai danni di ...
Music Lounge doesn t offer drinks but has lots of tunes 10 May 2009 | 11:47 am
LOS ANGELES - Cocktails won t be served but ABC says a new online music lounge will offer a full menu of songs and artists featured on its shows.
iTunes 10 icons 6 Sep 2010 | 10:24 am
The new iTunes 10 icon got you feeling blue? Well, I’ve created 10 different styles for your favorite music player. I’ve also included another one of my speed drawings showing the process. The new iT...
XML Generator DIR 14 May 2007 | 08:45 am
XML Generator DIR is an XML generator that will make a lot easier for you to create XML configuration files. It is focused in the creation of configuration files for image galleries, music players and...
Online TV Player 4.0.10 26 Oct 2009 | 10:43 pm
تستطيع ان تشاهد الكثير من القنوات بضغطة زر واحده وتسمع الكثير من الإذاعات العربية والعالمية بكل سهولة ويسر شاهد القنوات المشفرة, شاهد قنوات التلفزيون الممنوعة , وشاهد قنوات الدش بجميع اشكالها, شاهد ...
Why Xbox 360 Super Elite is a must for you? 25 Jul 2011 | 10:32 pm
With the introduction of the Xbox 360 gaming has got a new meaning. Gaming has evolved from a single player affair to huge online multi-player gaming experience. All this has been possible due to exce...
Low Stake Sit N Go Tournaments 13 Feb 2012 | 08:13 pm
Sit N Go tournaments have become very popular among online poker players. Each and every poker player is now aware of Sit N Go tournaments due to growing popularity of low stakes Sit N Go tournaments....