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Bêbado nº32342 21 Sep 2010 | 01:18 am
Curti o chapéu style desse bêbado! As tampinhas de garrafa nos olhos e uma ótima terapia também! Epa.. mas o que é isoo que estão dando pra ele tomar? oO
berlomba dengan matahari 24 Sep 2010 | 10:16 pm
Oo, lelaki yang kalah.. tak kuat berlari, selalu lelah, tak kenal pantang menyerah, tak mampu mujahadah, senantiasa pasrah, di pelukan selimut yang rebah, Pagi ini tidurlah, lelapmu lanjutlah, matamu ...
Foodrank stopt! 25 Nov 2009 | 04:34 am
Beste kookliefhebbers,Na drie jaar Foodrank heb ik besloten om er binnenkort mee te gaan stoppen. De afgelopen jaren waren ontzettend leuk en leerzaam maar helaas ontbreekt al enige tijd de tijd en oo...
OO Raiser Gundam Seven Swords 25 Jan 2011 | 01:55 pm
OO Gundam is a rather strange design with top heavy components, and the Seven Swords configuration fixes some of that issue with more legs attachments. The Seven Swords mod kit was applied on top of t...
Oh my God! 4 Sep 2010 | 11:22 pm
Je passais juste faire un coucou, hallucinant que des gens soient encore dans ce forum Oo Comment sa va depuis le temps? :p
You, me and the rain..oO. 10 Nov 2009 | 07:19 am
..a search begun, shredding me down to faded journey, but nothing goes unpaid, if not punished, and hence you appeared and suspend this faded journey in your eyes.. ..what was occupied in the throttle...
Intrusive moments of togetherness..oO. 5 May 2009 | 11:13 am
..let's go..will enjoy and have fun too.. i don't want to witness walk away because here we put the things all together.. ..i will make you special..will turn on your feet and we will experience the ...
Living on a prayer..oO. 22 Apr 2009 | 12:43 pm
I was about to call off for a day.. Shrugging off to stress..and ending a day with leaving a blazing sun heading me towards next day.. Hitting the corner takes skill, if somebody lacks it, one needs ...
PHP 面向对象(OO) 21 Jul 2011 | 06:39 pm
Simple Example public、protected、private、__get、__set: public 表示全局,类内部外部子类都可以访问 protected表示受保护的,只有本类或子类或父类中可以访问 private表示私有的,只有本类内部可以使用 View Code PHP abstract 类中至少有一个抽象方法 抽象方法前需要加abstract 抽象方法无...
Golaha Wasiirrada Soomaaliya oo isku raacay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Turkiga loo aqoonsado Shaqsiga Sannadka 27 Dec 2011 | 07:07 pm
Isniin, December 26, 2011 ( − Shir aan caadi ahayn oo golaha wasiirada DKMG ah ay maanta ku yeesheen Muqdisho ayaa looga hadlay shaqsiga mudan in la siiyo sannadkan billad sharaft...