Most open atrium related news are at:

Survey Reveals Telecommuting Habits and Preferences 20 Aug 2013 | 04:55 am
Survey Reveals Majority of Workers Would Rather Work from Home and “In-Office” Workers are Often Jealous With discussions about the pros and cons of telecommuting taking place throughout organization...
Celebrating People of Content with The CMS Connection 19 Aug 2013 | 03:20 pm
Last week, John Coonen announced that I'll be joining him at The CMS Connection as the new Editor of Chief. In John's own words, I'm there to "zero in on the most intriguing and interesting people in ...
More open atrium related news:
Customize Open Atrium – Modules & Feature Addons 28 Jul 2011 | 09:49 am
If you love Open Atrium then check out this list of modules which will help you setup new features into your workflow. Every item here is something currently absent from OpenAtrium. Customize Open Atr...
Deployment of Open Atrium and Pronovix's Knowledge Management Distribution 11 Nov 2010 | 06:34 am
Here at Dulan Information, one of the ongoing challenges is finding the best way to manage the knowledge and information accumulated over the course of working on our projects. It's also a challenge t...
Add Customized Dashboard Magic to Drupal Theme 30 Sep 2011 | 04:25 am
If you haven't already tried Open Atrium, you should immediately do so. Once you do, you'll want to put all their cool customize stuff into your website. While the documentation says that it uses cont...
Some of the Hot Sauce Behind Open Atrium: Installation Profiles + Features 4 Aug 2009 | 10:47 am
Last week Development Seed launched Open Atrium, an "intranet in a box" that acts as a foundation for developing custom team collaboration and knowledge management tools. Drupal's strength as a framew...
Installer Open Atrium 1.0-beta5 sans messages d’erreurs 4 Apr 2010 | 04:03 pm
Open Atrium est un intranet utilisant Drupal prêt à être utilisé et comportant plusieurs fonctionnalités populaires pour la gestion de projets. Il est possible d’installer Open Atrium dans une autre l...
Open Atrium — командная работа над проектами 16 Jan 2009 | 11:17 pm
Open Atrium – бесплатная CMS для организации командной работы над проектами, которая вне сомнений должна заинтересовать разработчиков. Она построена на основе Drupal framework, что несомненно радует....
The Sheraton Grand Sacramento 1 Aug 2012 | 07:45 am
Meeting family and friends is always special at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel…anytime! Famous for the open atrium environment, conveniently located in the beautifully restored historic Public Ma...
Customize Open Atrium – Modules & Feature Addons 28 Jul 2011 | 05:49 am
If you love Open Atrium then check out this list of modules which will help you setup new features into your workflow. Every item here is something currently absent from OpenAtrium. Customize Open Atr...
Open Atrium 2.0, social business wereld: maak uw borst maar nat! 13 Aug 2013 | 12:25 pm
Bron afbeelding Wat is Open Atrium? Open Atrium is social business systeem, voor organisaties met teams, klanten en/of partners, die een effectief platform nodig hebben voor communicatie, samenwerke...
DrupalEasy Podcast 110: Oh, A Beta 23 Jul 2013 | 06:11 pm
Download Podcast 110 Mike Potter (mpotter), a Software Architect from Phase 2, and the technical lead for Open Atrium 2.x joins a full slate of DrupalEasy Podcast hosts: Andrew Riley, Ryan Price, Ted...