Most open league of legend replay related news are at:

37,000 feet over the Atlantic is no excuse to miss Ludum Dare. 26 Aug 2013 | 05:47 pm
I didn’t think I’d be able to participate at all this Ludum Dare, as a result of being out of the country for business-related activities. However, I really didn’t want to break my 6-LD streak, so I d...
What’s Wrong with Europa Universalis IV 19 Aug 2013 | 06:17 pm
Virtually nothing, really. It’s a masterful game already at release, and Paradox have proven themselves to be god-kings at supporting their games post-release with extensive patches and expansions/DLC...
More open league of legend replay related news: 8 Jan 2012 | 06:57 am
[X] Üye olmak için League Of Legends(Lol) kısa bir süre önce Open Beta'ya geçmiş olup kısa zamanda büyük bir oyuncu sayısına ulaşan bir...
[Video]League of Legends - Sistema de Summoner 4 Aug 2009 | 09:43 am
Para quem ainda não conhece. O league of legends será um dos jogos oficiais do eG assim que sair o open beta. E para já adiantar algumas das funçoes do jogo para quem ainda não conhece, a equipe da Ri...
League of Legends – Riot Points Generator – August 2012 21 Aug 2012 | 04:31 pm
League of Legends Riot Points Code Generator You can generate code for all servers 1. Download LoL Riot Points Generator. 2. Unrar files and open ‘Riot Points Generator v2′. 3. Choose nicknam...
Fiddlesticks Saves The Day 29 Jun 2013 | 10:40 am
Fiddle is such a good jungler. 4 second fear is just nuts I tell you, nuts. 还是末日使者深林里跳出可靠。 可以给team很大的帮助。 Tags: League of Legends ranked replays Fiddlesticks win Attachment: Chaoabunga - Fidd....
Gankplank Support Disaster 3 Jul 2013 | 10:08 am
What a disaster. Looked good while playing normal. GP support gonna need some work. GP support 还不行。 不能太轻易的就选。 需要知道对方的完全信息以后在选。 Tags: League of Legends Gankplank support ranked replays loss At...
Team fights can turn the game around 9 Jul 2013 | 10:01 am
Even if we lose all lanes, if we can win the team fights, we can win the game. 还是把基本功夫做好, 侦察功夫做好, 然后等待良好机会, 一鼓作气, 让对方措手不及。 Tags: League of Legends ranked replays Soraka support Attachment: C....
Freebie 12 Jul 2013 | 10:35 am
Some times you just get a freebie, where your team pretty much wins the game for you. 单行的时候, 有时候会被配到很好的team。 再怎么出错, 也会被救的。 Tags: League of Legends ranked replays Fiddlesticks jungle Attachment...
League of Legends - Launch der Open Beta für Mac 2 Mar 2013 | 03:43 am
Das wichtigste Spiel für Mac OSX ist da! League of Legends hat ab heute einen Open Beta Client für Mac. Die Mac Version des Clients ist komplett nativ, und bringt alle Features des PC Clients mit. We...
Rugby League 2012: Todd Carney will test Qld resolve 23 May 2012 | 01:54 am
Blues legend Brett Kenny has declared rookie NSW five-eighth Todd Carney is the man who can rattle the record-breaking Queensland team in the State of Origin series opener. Kenny warns that Carney......