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Cull Party #1 1 Feb 2012 | 11:49 pm
Gotta clear the dogs out of my cellar before I move. So the game is this… I keep opening questionable bottles until I hit a winner. 1. ’89 Gour du Challe Gigondas: My grandma must have had her share ...
fighting unlinked references that lead to memory leaks 8 Apr 2012 | 03:40 am
I was hunting down a problem with hamster dialogs. The problem was quite annoying – you open, for example, the overview window. You pick a good range, like 2 years or so that will make it think for a ...
Embedded Energy Features Will Break Down HAN Cost Barriers 19 Feb 2011 | 04:26 am
Who pays for home energy management? That’s an issue we pondered in a recent article. It’s also an open question for dozens of startup vendors struggling to get momentum selling home energy management...
Do you believe that interracial adoptions should be allowed? 23 Jan 2010 | 12:58 pm
Open Question I need opinions on adoptions.? Do you believe that interracial adoptions should be allowed? After answering this question can you please explain your reason why Additional Details I ...
Open questions for active-duty servicemembers: What do you think of DADT repeal? 11 Feb 2011 | 04:04 pm
I am working on an a couple of articles about DADT repeal and I would like to hear from both active duty servicemembers and gay or lesbian servicemembers who were discharged because of DADT. One of th...
Open Questions 3 Mar 2012 | 07:35 am
Here is your place to post your general doubts on English. Pick up a Novel, Movie, blog, story or website and read. Any questions you have with the meaning of a word, sentence or Grammar; just post yo...
Open questions vs Closed questions in Sales 15 Feb 2011 | 09:56 pm
I was chatting to BC about closing, re: What is in a sales close He thought it was good, but not great. Closed Questions I was saying I could use the following: me ‘do you have a budget in mind?’ ...
Open Question: Would anyone like to join my Max Payne 3 Crew on Xbox 360? 26 May 2012 | 01:52 am
It’s called The Silver Angels we are ver good player we started fresh and looking for good players to join we will play today around 3 P.M. EASTERN TIME we are looking for rank up the crew leaderboard...
Hunka, Hunka Burning FIRE! 6 Feb 2007 | 02:00 am
In her opening questions, the hygienist asked the patient if she was experiencing any pain. The hygienist didn’t expect to see tears well up in her patient’s eyes. Apparently, the hot, searing pain in...
Open Question: How do I download the dragonvale hac without doing the survey or could some one do the survey and download it,? 30 May 2012 | 07:09 pm
The surveys are impossible for me, yet I go online and everybody says they have done it.