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More opencart to iphone native app related news:
iPhone Native App 30 Mar 2012 | 01:34 am
The iPhone App; Casino TV (CTV) is the leader in recorded casino experiences with live dealers. CTV develops television quality casino applications for all digital channels, but specializes in mobile...
eShopping Madness – Our First Iphone Native app 12 Jun 2010 | 06:17 am
Description A comprehensive tool that allows the end users to look at the same product or products from thousands of online stores across the web. Streamlined for ease of use for the end user, it off...
Mobile Suche vermisster Kinder 2 Jun 2013 | 03:59 pm
Die mobile Suche vermisster Kinder Neben unsere App "VERMISST" für iPhone (native App) steht jetzt auch eine Web-App zur Suche vermisster Kinder zur Verfügung. Diese App kann für die Betriebssysteme...
Native iOS Development Workshop in Brighton (iPhone & iPad apps with Objective-C and Cocoa Touch) 3 Nov 2011 | 02:09 am
Become an iOS ninja in 3 days! This unique and exclusive three-day course by Aral Balkan, author of the critically-acclaimed Feathers app, introduces you to Objective-C, the iOS SDK for iPhone, iPad,...
Google music comes to iPhone in the form of a webapp 14 Sep 2011 | 05:10 am
Instead of going to iOS app store, Google has launched its music service “Google Music” on iPhone in the form of a webapp contrary to a native app on Android. You just need to point your iPhone’s brow...
Mobile App Software – ihr app entwicklungscenter 30 Mar 2011 | 03:43 am
Native App Entwicklung und App Programmierung für iPhone, iPad, Android und Windows Phone 7 und Web-Apps Wir entwickeln und programmieren Software für das Internet und mobile Applikationen. Dabei agi...
Titanium Week…JavaScript will rule the world 4 Jan 2011 | 10:56 pm
Yes, JavaScript to rule the world of development.Now with JS you can develop native iPhone & android apps.Not just for mobile, You can develop Cross-Platfrom desktop apps that run on all known OS’s WI...
WebMail Pro PHP 6.5 adds CardDAV support 8 Aug 2012 | 01:30 pm
The new version of WebMail Pro PHP script cuts the price down and finally lets your mobile users stay in sync for all the data, including mail, calendar, and contacts. Use native apps of your iPhone ...
Home page 16 Oct 2012 | 01:12 pm
Make your own mobile app! Check Availability Drag and Drop content for your iPhone, Android and HTML5 App. Drag & Drop Yes, it really is that simple. Try it! Native Apps & HTML5 Reach over 5,...
Develop an iPhone Application using XCODE 21 Apr 2013 | 12:12 pm
In this post I would like to explain, how to create a new project to developing iphone/ipad/ipod Native apps.To do this you need Xcode,it is a development tool to develop ios(iphone/ipad/ipod) applica...