Most openoffice calc formulas related news are at:

Easter Egg: starcalcteam() 11 Sep 2007 | 08:27 am
There is a new Spanish language OO related blog from Rafael Sanchez He points out an interesting Easter Egg in the OpenOffice Calc program. In any cell, type =starcalcteam() The image below is disp...
Create Links Between Cell Ranges (Quickly) 29 Aug 2007 | 04:05 pm
The Paste Special feature can be used to quickly link to range of cells from another sheet. In the example below, we have a table on the sheet labelled First. We want to link to the bottom row from t...
More openoffice calc formulas related news:
How to: Split path and filename in MS Excel, Google Docs or OpenOffice Calc 25 May 2012 | 10:03 am
I did a code review along with Brad Williams yesterday and today we combined our results. The problem was, our spreadsheet columns didn't match. He'd combined path and filename into one column and I...
Como Criar uma Caixa de Seleção (Lista Drop-Down) no OpenOffice Calc 18 Sep 2011 | 03:30 am
Print Grid Lines with no Input in OpenOffice Calc (Spreadsheets) 14 Mar 2012 | 11:43 pm
Print Grid Line with no Input in Open Office Calc (Spreadsheet) It possible to print the lines showing rows and columns on a blank spreadsheet. One way is to open a new Calc (Spreadsheet) and go i...
OpenOffice Calc und LibreOffice Calc – Duplikate filtern 4 Mar 2012 | 02:10 am
Eine häufige Aufgabe in langen Listen ist Duplikate zu filtern. Jeder kennt das, dass eine lange Liste nach der Bearbeitung Dubletten enthält, welche man entfernen oder zumindest filtern möchte. Das g...
Bagaimana Cara Menambahkan dan Memakai Fungsi IF di Calc 3.1.0 29 Apr 2010 | 01:08 pm
How to Add Figures and Use IF Function in Calc 3.1.0 Bagaimana cara menambahkan angka dan menggunakan fungsi IF di aplikasi spreadsheet open source OpenOffice Calc versi 3.1.0? Berikut ...
Easter Egg: starcalcteam() 11 Sep 2007 | 08:27 am
There is a new Spanish language OO related blog from Rafael Sanchez He points out an interesting Easter Egg in the OpenOffice Calc program. In any cell, type =starcalcteam() The image below is disp...
Menambahkan dan Fungsi IF di Calc 3.1.0 1 Feb 2011 | 11:56 am
How to Add Figures and Use IF Function in Calc 3.1.0 Bagaimana cara menambahkan angka dan menggunakan fungsi IF di aplikasi spreadsheet open source OpenOffice Calc versi 3.1.0? Berikut...
Hlookup and Vlookup Formulas on Spreadsheet 9 Mar 2013 | 08:48 am
Ok… akhirnya bisa sedikit corat-coret disini. Kali ini gw akan ngebahas tentang rumus formula atau function di [Ms.Excel/OpenOffice Calc/LibreOffice Calc] atau aplikasi spreadsheet lainnya. Pernah den...
OpenOffice/LibreOffice Custom Hot Keys to Add New Row & Highlight Cells - Windows Tips 29 Mar 2013 | 12:01 am
I use OpenOffice Calc on a daily basis. I know that LibreOffice is supposedly better, etc, but the one time I tried it I had issues with it messing....
Openoffice Calc Spreadsheet – Calculate Number Of Months Between Two Dates 4 Aug 2013 | 11:06 am
If you want to get the number of months between two fields / dates in Openoffice Calc Spreadsheet, here’s a quick formula: Openoffice – Calculate Months Between Dates To calculate months in numbers,...