Most openstreetmap related news are at:
Culbokie Mapping Party 27 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
Created page with "== '''Mapping Party - Culbokie Primary School, Saturday 7th September 2013''' == Transition Black Isle is organising its '''first mapping meeting''' of the [http://www.transi..." N...
File:Culbokie Mapping Meeting Mini Notice Aug 2013 v2.png 27 Aug 2013 | 05:58 pm
Million miles uploaded "File:Culbokie Mapping Meeting Mini Notice Aug 2013 v2.png" Culbokie Community Mapping Meeting Notice
More openstreetmap related news:
Perlen der Woche 9/2012: Museo-Blogparade, OpenStreetMap für Bibliotheken und Musikarchiv digital 3 Mar 2012 | 06:37 am
Im Laufe der Woche finden wir interessante und spannende Beiträge, Informationen, Videos oder Podcasts rund um das Thema Digitalisierung, Archiv, Bibliotheken und Museum, die wir auf Twitter oder Goog...
Google Map Maker TED Talk und Karten Vergleich 25 Jan 2010 | 02:44 am
Als Google Mapmaker vor einer Weile veröffentlicht wurde, habe ich selbst nicht viel davon mit bekommen. Abgesehen von dem Kommentar aus der Openstreetmap-Community, das Google sich nicht die Rechte a...
Offline maps in iOS using OpenStreetMap and Route-Me 24 Mar 2012 | 06:33 pm
This tutorial is heavily based on Rupert’s article here. However, the steps in this article are very different on some points. There are some steps that I had to figure out using other sources. Gener...
State of the Map 2011 - Denver, Colorado USA 8 Sep 2011 | 01:20 am
The fifth international conference to be run by OpenStreetMap The State Of The Map, 2011 is the fifth international conference to be run by the OpenStreetMap Foundation. The conference will take plac...
Journey Upto Selection in Google Summer of Code 2011 2 May 2011 | 04:25 pm
A Dream come true, and My happiness knows no bounds when I got to know that I have been selected for the Google Summer of code with OpenStreetMap Organisation. Its not the result of any spontaneous co...
Part 3: Using your own custom built OSM tiles in OpenLayers 19 Jun 2011 | 08:00 am
In this third Part of our OpenStreetMap series we will demonstrate how to use the osm tiles we built in Part 2: Building Tiles with PostGIS OpenStreetMap data. <
Part 2: Building Tiles with PostGIS OpenStreetMap data and Mapnik: Your Own OpenStreetMap 19 May 2011 | 08:00 am
This is a continuation of our Loading OpenStreetMap data in PostGIS. In this tutorial we will build a tile cache of the Massachusetts data we loaded in Part 1 and then
Part 1: Loading OpenStreetMap data into PostGIS: An Almost Idiot's Guide 15 May 2011 | 08:00 am
For this exercise, we will download Massachusetts OSM data and then load it into our PostGIS spatially enabled PostgreSQL database. The OSM data contains roads, points of interests, building footprint...
Diez cosas que deberías saber sobre OpenStreetMap 7 May 2012 | 12:00 am
OpenStreetMap ha estado saliendo en las noticias bastante desde el otoño pasado. ¿Sabes todo lo que deberías saber sobre el proyecto? 1 Definición: OpenStreetMap Según la web de OpenStreetMap (OS...
La Noche de los Mapas Vivientes 3 Feb 2012 | 08:56 am
OpenStreetMap está a la cabeza en técnicas cartográficas innovadoras. Tanto es así que hemos decidido probar una nueva manera de trabajar. Se trata de… ¿Terrorífico, no? Porque después de no dormir ...