Most openvpn client related news are at:

Snort Intrusion Detection System 14 Oct 2009 | 08:00 am
E' disponibile il pacchetto Snort 2.8.5 che permette ad un router/bridge Zeroshell di agire da IDS (Intrusion Detection System) rilevando possibili attachi/worm verso la propria LAN. Maggiori dettagli...
Aggiornamento Dansguardian 14 Jun 2009 | 08:00 am
La patch per Dansguardian e' stata aggiornata per essere compatibile con la release 1.0.beta12 di Zeroshell.
More openvpn client related news:
OpenVPN Client pfSense di Ubuntu 11.10 11 Feb 2012 | 04:31 am
Untuk setting OpenVPN client di Ubuntu 11.10 dari pfSense, caranya agak berbeda dengan setup OpenVPN client untuk *nix sebelumnya. Karena dari pfSense, untuk export user config, publick key yang digun...
Commandline OpenVPN client on Mac OSX with macports 31 Jan 2013 | 10:40 am
Commandline OpenVPN client on Mac OSX with macports
Cara Setting dan Menggunakan VPN Di Android 20 Jun 2013 | 03:59 am
Setting VPN di android cara nya mudah saja. Anda harus memperhatikan beberapa hal dasar seperti jenis koneksi Virtual private network apa yang anda gunakan apakah PPTP, openVPN client atau menggunakan...
OpenVPN client now available on Apple iOS! 18 Jan 2013 | 12:17 pm
Great news for many pfSense users today, as OpenVPN Technologies in collaboration with Apple have released an OpenVPN client for iOS. Within hours of its release, Jim Pingle updated our OpenVPN Clien...
Bonjour Chers Clients 7 Nov 2010 | 06:16 pm
MÉMO INFORMATIF . . . À LIRE PAR TOUS NOS CLIENTS ET TOUS CEUX À VENIR ! Bienfaits Noisetier recueille présentement des commentaires de personnes ayant déjà acheté un collier/bracelet de Pur Noiseti...
Vous donner l’heure juste Chers Clients 24 Mar 2010 | 08:08 am
À ma dernière visite comme représentante de ma compagnie le 19 mars dernier; j’ai vu de mes yeux au Pharmaprix de Trois-Rivières sur le boulevard des Forges, plusieurs de nos colliers dans un panier d...
Drug Rehabs that Cater to Each Individual 23 Aug 2011 | 11:48 am
Drug rehabs are most successful when they cater to the individual needs of individual clients. As obvious as that might sound, the unfortunate truth is that many California drug rehab facilities provi...
Entreprise de nettoyage : Clamart Net 9 Jan 2010 | 08:51 am
Clamart Net est une société de nettoyage et d'entretien située à Clamart 92. Clamart Net est spécialisée dans le nettoyage d'immeubles,bureaux,commerces. Clamart Net à pour client : ...
Joomla 1.7 Page Title Wrong in Single Article View 5 Nov 2011 | 08:28 am
We hit an interesting little snag last week while using Joomla 1.7 - let me say from the off that we've followed Joomla 1.7 development, at a distance. We haven't had many clients come to us who had a...
Rockettheme Modulus Template - Display Component Not Working. 31 Aug 2011 | 09:48 pm
We're working on a new Joomla 1.7 website for a client using Rockettheme Modulus template, on the home page we didn't want to display the content component, Modulus has an on - off switch for turning ...