Most opera browser on verizon related news are at:

Samsung SCS-2U01 Network Extender 20 Feb 2012 | 02:33 pm
Samsung SCS-2U01 is a great network extender device to boosts low signals in your home area. The device is needed when you suffering from pool quality signals and unreliable data coverage. Using Samsu...
Great Leather Case for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Jan 2012 | 11:03 pm
If you are looking for the leather case for your Samsung Galaxy Note, PDair Leather Case is a good option. The leather case is 100% Handmade with Genuine Leather that protect your galaxy note from scr...
More opera browser on verizon related news:
User Opera from the command line for administrative tasks 3 May 2012 | 10:12 pm
If you want to use the Opera browser for administrative tasks from the command line, you should consider the kiosk mode of the browser. This mode is often used to start the browser without url bar or ...
Display exit button to Quit the browser completely in Opera . 30 May 2012 | 01:13 pm
This tutorial will show you how to display an exit button in the Opera browser’s menu list which will allow you to quit the browser completely. Typically, when users hit the Back button on their phone...
Facebook roundup: Opera, Dubai, friend lists, Pinterest, more 26 May 2012 | 03:01 pm
Facebook to buy Opera browser? – Facebook is reportedly interested in purchasing Opera Software, which operates a desktop and mobile browser. and The Next Web have sources saying Opera...
Opera - The Fastest Browser Of The World 19 Oct 2011 | 05:17 am
Opera browser is a very good piece of work. Billing itself as “The fastest browser on Earth!”, it is a free browser with great number of powerful and useful features. Opera has clean interface that i...
Customize the Background Color of All Web Pages( FaceBook, CNN, … ) in Opera Browser 29 Oct 2011 | 09:08 pm
There are a lot of free Internet browser software on the Internet, such as FireFox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc. Some are gaining users, some are losing users, you m...
Chrome: The New Google Browser 3 Sep 2008 | 05:03 pm
Google has released a new browser named Chrome. It's still in Beta and I've recently installed it in my lappie. At first glance, the features seem to be like the features found in the Opera browser --...
Opera Browser 11.60 23 Dec 2011 | 10:27 pm
Ya,,setelah lama menunggu opera akhirnya merilis kembali versi browser terbarunya,yaitu opera browser versi 11.60 .Browser terbaru keluaran opera ini memiliki kemampuan yang lebih baik dari pendahulun...
Opera 11.10 Final - Makin Ngebut Turbonya 22 Apr 2011 | 03:39 pm
Opera,,browser yang di klaim memiliki banyak pengguna ini diklaim memiliki fitur kecepatan turbonya 4 x lebih cepat dari versi sebelumnya,,fitur lainnya yang dimiliki adalah jumlah speed dial yang leb...
New Browser From Opera for TV 8 Jan 2010 | 01:11 pm
Opera software company helped to enliven the event the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2010 in Las Vegas. They also introduced the latest Opera browser can be used on television. Opera Opera Devices ...
Google Calendar on Nokia 770 HOWTO 6 Aug 2007 | 05:36 pm
Dan Tye posted a comment on my blog describing how it is possible to make your Google Calendar viewable from your Nokia 770 or from Nokia N800 using the good old Opera browser. It seemed really useful...