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Figaro teltházassága 9 Nov 2011 | 10:19 pm
Hogy egy olyan gyenge szóviccel éljek, aminek a leírása után magam is elszégyellem magam, azt mondhatom, áll a bál az operában. Az opera szóra persze a legtöbb olvasó legyint, hiszen ennél halottabb m...
NJStar Communicator 3.0 Released: Supports IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5 30 May 2011 | 12:27 pm
We are delighted to announce the availability of NJStar Communicator version 3.0. This new version supports both 32 bit and 64 bit Applications, DirectX text, Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9, Mo...
南极星全球通 3.0 正式发布:支持最新浏览器 IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5 30 May 2011 | 12:22 pm
我们很激动地宣布南极星全球通3.0 今天正式发布。支持最新浏览器 IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5。同时支持32bit和64bit应用程序,DirectX文字。南极星全球通3.0 所有部件全部采用UNICODE6.0为内码,能够输入7万汉字。专业版带有10款以上的南极星OpenType PS 字库,适用于所有Unicode...
Physics for Flash Games, Animation, and Simulations 1 Feb 2012 | 07:54 pm
Download Physics for Flash Games, Animation, and Simulations 简介 Book Description: Physics for Flash Games, Animation, and Simulations teaches ActionScript programmers how to incorporate real physics ...
17.02.2011 17 Feb 2011 | 12:00 pm
Full games: - Greed Corp - Tidalis - Clones - Guardians of Graxia - Open Sea Fishing The Simulation - Garage Inc - Angry Birds - Street Racing Battle - Windosill - Gods vs Humans - Racers Island Crazy...
22.12.2010 22 Dec 2010 | 12:00 pm
Full games: - Age of Conquest III - Alien Breed 3 Descent - Rulers of Nations - Geo-political Simulator 2 - Art of Murder The Secret Files - Flight Control HD - Poker Night at the Inventory - Remingto...
Event Update – Udaan Business Simulation Session 13 May 2010 | 10:33 pm
NEN E Club, Chennai is organizing an exciting entrepreneurial session “Udaan – Business Simulation Session” on May 16th at 10.30Am in Chennai. This session promises to simulate the business world in ...
Ship Simulator Extremes Ferry Pack (Add on) 30 May 2012 | 07:06 pm
This Ferry Pack requires a full version of Ship Simulator Extremes. Experience the responsibility of a ferry captain as you take the rudder of different ferry types on some of the most popular routes...
GIMP,Opera,LibreOffice,Avast!等Macis适用的pet软件包 30 May 2011 | 08:26 pm
下载地址: 安装文件如有需要注意的事项,请仔细查看单个文件的下载页面的Description! 不断更新,常用软件、必备软件等,涵盖了系统工具、安全反病毒、网络浏览、多媒体等 关于一般Adobe Air应用程序的安装,
aliedit: 支持Linux浏览器的支付宝控件 11 Apr 2011 | 10:32 pm
名称: aliedit 简介: 支持Linux浏览器的支付宝控件 支付宝Linux安全控件,暂仅支持以下版本浏览器: Firefox(3.x/4.x/5.x) | Chrome(5.x/6.x) | Opera(10.6.x) 下载安装后重启浏览器就可使用支付宝支付。 控件安装前请先安装Firefo.....