Most opi mermaid tears swatch related news are at:

OPI Turquoise Shatter Swatch 15 Oct 2011 | 12:17 pm
Well I've had this polish for ages now and I did this swatch almost as long ago. This is my favourite shatter especially over black. Make sure you use a top coat as it brings the colour out in the pol...
Russian RWC Mani 14 Oct 2011 | 04:28 pm
Here in New Zealand we are currently hosting the Rugby World Cup which is a really, really big deal for us as a rugby fanatic country (I'm generalising a little I'd say only 99% of the country are fan...
More opi mermaid tears swatch related news:
Pirates of the Caribbean by OPI Mermaids Tears 15ml from OPI 3 Aug 2013 | 12:28 pm
We are proud to offer the brilliant Pirates of the Caribbean by OPI Mermaids Tears 15ml. With so many on offer these days, it is wise to have a name you can trust. The Pirates of the Caribbean by OPI...
OPI Stranger Tides 25 May 2011 | 01:28 pm
*OPI Stranger Tides* (2 coats) While I still firmly believe that the colors of the POtC collection are not especially pirate-y..I still love them! I ended up only passing on Mermaids Tears (I have $O...
NOTD OPI Mermaid's Tears @ Silhouette 21 Aug 2013 | 07:45 pm
Astazi am mai beneficiat de un rasfat marca Silhouette, tot in centrul din Lascar Catargiu, iar de data aceasta, de unghiile mele s-a ocupat frumoasa Ana Maria. Dupa o exfoliere parfumata cu un scrub ...
NOTD OPI Mermaid's Tears @ Silhouette 21 Aug 2013 | 07:45 pm
Astazi am mai beneficiat de un rasfat marca Silhouette, tot in centrul din Lascar Catargiu, iar de data aceasta, de unghiile mele s-a ocupat frumoasa Ana Maria. Dupa o exfoliere parfumata cu un scrub ...