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Post No. 162 7 May 2011 | 10:28 pm
Hello, happy hot day. Gonna call this my Saturday haul, cause bought stuff from town! Not much but a few. Sephora is now open, next to Starhill, opposite Uniqlo. Like, right opposite. Headed over to...
A five headed snake This Snake is found at Subramanya Temple, India.. 26 Mar 2011 | 05:40 pm
click to see more
Tiger Head, Snake Tails 28 May 2012 | 06:51 am
The Meridian Society is holding a talk by Jonathan Fenby on Wednesday, 30th May, preceded by book launch.
The 2013 Carolina Panthers: A fast start could go a long way 20 Aug 2013 | 06:08 am
(USA Today) Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers need to get an early jump on the opposition. Head coach Ron Rivera is entering his third season with the Carolina Panthers and there is already talk ...
Bali Brothers - Publishing the script as a book 16 Jan 2010 | 02:32 am
BALI BROTHERS – Publishing the film script as a book Scripts are usual secret documents that are only shared initially with actors, department heads and financiers. I took quite an opposite approach ...
Horror: Nigerian Girl turned into snake with Human head… in Warri” + Video Proof 18 Feb 2012 | 07:07 am
Click here to see the video live Filed under: World News Tagged: Nigerian Girl turned into snake, Nigerian Girl turned into snake 2012, Nigerian Girl turned into snake Video
Snakes On A Bus 12 Apr 2011 | 12:51 pm
Police in the Santa Fe province of Argentina arrested a man who smuggled 670 reptiles onto a bus headed for Buenos Aires. The reptile smuggler loaded boxes and bags filled with 444 boas, vipers and o...
Plant of the Month – Fritillaria melagris 4 May 2010 | 09:59 pm
Daffodils brightly herald the start of spring, but the subtle charm of the Snakes head Fritillary is hard to outdo. Each slender stem of this spring bulb carries a hanging bell-shaped bloom, heavily c...
The Bushmaster Snake 18 Jun 2008 | 02:48 pm
The Bushmaster Snake or Lachesis Muta Muta is the largest Pit Viper snake in the world and one of the most deadly. It can grow to 6-10' in length. You can tell a Bushmaster snake from it's large head ... 8 Feb 2006 | 10:55 am
POEM I am continually disappointed by nudity decently covered breasts could look like anything when revealed, the nipples might be eyes or snake heads or flowers glowing gold, they might be anything,...