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Minimize jQuery object creation 5 Jul 2011 | 05:44 am
Willing to optimize apps to run the fastest posible, developers can sometimes asume (mostly after reading posts amateur developers write) that some optimizations are really better practices. But unfo...
SPECIAL: $49 for Remote Virus, Spyware, Adware Removal & Computer Optimization 4 Jan 2011 | 08:49 pm
We are running a Remote Computer Support special. For just $49, we will connect remotely to your computer and completely remove any Virus Spyware Adware or junk that you may have. Plus, we will give...
Google Website Optimizer Authorized Consultancy 27 Apr 2011 | 06:37 am
Google Website Optimizer, Conversion marketing and landing page testing is essential to any solid online marketing strategy, and Google's Website Optimizer tool puts running A/B and multivariate tests...
Why SEO Feels So Slimy At Times 8 Nov 2011 | 05:00 pm
Beware of unsolicited emails from people claiming to help you optimize your website. Run from people who promise to make you an 'SEO Guru.'
The Latest Google Update: Is the SEO Sky Falling? 28 Nov 2012 | 06:25 pm
Everyone in the search engine optimization world is running scared, and not without reason. The latest Google update in May, called Penguin, hurt the rankings of up to 70 percent of sites industry-wid...
SPECIAL: $59 for Remote Virus, Spyware, Adware Removal & Computer Optimization 29 Dec 2012 | 12:49 pm
We are running a Remote Computer Support special. For just $59, we will connect remotely to your computer and completely remove any Virus Spyware Adware or junk that you may have. Plus, we will give...
Minimize jQuery object creation 4 Jul 2011 | 10:44 pm
Willing to optimize apps to run the fastest posible, developers can sometimes asume (mostly after reading posts amateur developers write) that some optimizations are really better practices. But unfo...
An Updated Guide To SEO For Webmasters 26 Aug 2013 | 01:35 am
You will gain optimal advantages in running your business if you utilize sound methods for search engine optimization. By utilizing search engine optimization techniques properly, search engines, such...
Optimize Your Site For Success With These SEO Suggestions 1 Feb 2012 | 03:08 pm
When running your business website, you also have to keep in mind SEO tactics. By utilizing search engine optimization techniques properly, search engines, such as Google, will rank your site higher o...
Review of the HTC Sensation XE running with Beats Audio 16 Nov 2011 | 12:54 am
HTC has been branching out so their smartphones can reach the other segments of the market which they think are underserved, like phones specifically designed for females or smartphones optimized for ...