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Citrix opens cloud to VMware customers 13 Oct 2011 | 04:27 am
Citrix Systems has announced a new edition of CloudStack™, which will include enhanced support for VMware‘s hypervisor, Oracle VM vSphere, enabling customers to VMware and Oracle to manage their own s...
Platform Virtualization Oracle VM 3.1 | 2,79 Gb 25 May 2012 | 01:03 am
Platform Virtualization Oracle VM 3.1 | 2,79 Gb Oracle VM 3.1 - a product for the deployment of virtualization solutions, built on Oracle Enterprise Linux and hypervisor Xen. The basis of the Oracle ...
Failed to uninstall the Extension Pack Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. 8 Jan 2012 | 05:01 pm
Borobudur Temple, West Java - Indonesia : After uninstalling my VirtualBox, later after that I Re-Install it again. When I wanto uninstall the Extension Pack I ...
Oracle Announces New Oracle VM Template for MySQL Enterprise Edition 27 Jun 2011 | 12:59 pm
Enables MySQL Users to More Effectively Deploy and Manage Web and Cloud Applications at a Lower Cost.
Multi-Core Scaling In A KVM Virtualized Environment 25 Jan 2011 | 07:07 am
Earlier this week we published benchmarks comparing Oracle VM VirtualBox to Linux KVM and the Linux system host performance. Some of the feedback from individuals said that it was a bad idea using the...
Linux下VirtualBox数据空间的配置 11 Apr 2012 | 04:07 pm
介绍如何在VirtualBox下的Linux挂载宿主机文件夹,实现虚拟机与宿主机之间的文件共享。 环境:Oracle VM Virtualbox 4.0.10 + CentOS 6.0 1、在CentOS下安装VirtualBox Guest Addition 在当前虚拟机界面点击”设备” – “分配光驱” – “Choose a virtual CS/DVD…” 打开VirtualBox...
Instalar VirtualBox 4 en Ubuntu 11.04 desde el terminal 5 May 2011 | 01:45 am
Oracle VM VirtualBox es un programa de virtualización con el que es posible instalar sistemas operativos adicionales, conocidos como sistemas invitados, dentro de otro sistema operativo anfitrión, cad...
RockSun Weekly 2012-09-08 8 Sep 2012 | 05:00 pm
Announcing New TomcatExpert Jobs Board # Cloud Deployment: It’s All About Cloud Automation # Using Oracle VM Template Builder to create your Guest VMs http://...
BT5R3[BackTrack 5 R3]安装到U盘等USB移动设备方法 7 Dec 2012 | 10:34 pm
BT5R3[BackTrack 5 R3]安装到U盘等USB移动设备方法 1、准备工作 建议16G以上U盘1个,自用32G BT5R3-GNOME-64.iso 下载移步 Oracle VM VirtualBox 下载移步
Failed to uninstall the Extension Pack Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. 8 Jan 2012 | 08:01 am
After uninstalling my VirtualBox, later after that I Re-Install it again. When I wanto uninstall the Extension Pack I got following error : After googlig, I got solution to fix it.. you just have to c...