Most organic weed control related news are at:

What I’ve Been Doing (When I Haven’t Been Here) 20 Aug 2013 | 12:23 am
It’s been a busy summer with a lot of new adventures, and while I haven’t been blogging as much as I would like, if you’ve kept a sharp eye out you’ve probably seen me in some other publications. If y...
Edible Landscaping for Industrial Settings: Tips and Best Plants 27 Jun 2013 | 12:15 pm
Last week, I talked about some of the benefits and drawbacks of edible landscaping in “public” spheres such as commercial/ business landscaping or in a multifamily residence such as an apartment compl...
More organic weed control related news:
Organic Weed Control 5 May 2012 | 10:03 pm
Organic Weed Control Weed’s are a constant battle for the organic vegetable gardener, particularly early in the season. They compete for the soils nutrients and moisture and also if allowed to grow on...
Organic Weed Control - How To Kill Weeds Naturally And Forever! 9 May 2013 | 09:58 am
Dandelions are highly beneficial weeds which often thrive in soils with low calcium//humus. For many of us, organic weed control means many hours crouched in the garden pulling weeds. And after a wh...
Weed Control: The "Triangle Approach" 21 Aug 2011 | 06:59 am
Have you ever determined that you're going to clean the basement, garage or barn and just become frozen in place because you can't determine where you should start on the massive job? Did you ever ju...
Organic Ant Control with Baking Soda 9 May 2012 | 05:59 pm
Instead of buying expensive, toxic methods of of ant control, why not use a little baking soda? This old and safe method has been proven effective in wiping out entire ant colonies. Just mix a little ...
Journal-3rd revision 12 Dec 2006 | 11:28 am
Interaction Design – a New Perspective in Making a System There are many interactive products in everyday use. For example, cell phone , computer , personal organizer, remote control, soft drink mach...
a gardening carnival – May 30, 2012 30 May 2012 | 05:39 pm
Welcome to the May 30, 2012 edition of a gardening carnival. chemical Richard Adams presents Weed Control Without Chemicals posted at Eco Living Advice. flowers Charity and Amber presents Carpet P...
a gardening carnival – April 25, 2012 26 Apr 2012 | 07:57 am
Welcome to the April 25, 2012 edition of a gardening carnival. chemical Richard Adams presents Weed Control Without Chemicals posted at Eco Living Advice. gardening Snork Tek presents Tek’s Garden...
Poly Mesh Lady bug bags by Quadel. 11 Dec 2010 | 01:42 pm
Fine mesh poly bags make great packaging material for Insects such as lady bugs and others that are used in the Organic pest control industry. Quadel specializes in Poly Mesh Lady Bug Bags that are ...
Organic Weed Killer 23 Mar 2011 | 03:04 pm
ave you ever taken an evening stroll through your neighborhood during the summer and been nearly overcome by the odor of chemical weed killer? Have you wondered just how safe these chemical lawn appli...
Weed Killers 15 Mar 2011 | 12:42 am
ith all the concerns that have arisen in the last few years it is no surprise that there have been an increase in the amount of environmentally-friendly weed control products that are available to the...