Most osaka aquarium related news are at:

なぞの絶叫 - 海遊館日記 26 Aug 2013 | 08:34 am
先日ご紹介したコツメカワウソのニッキ、オリーブ(8/7号)、リスザルのポメロ(8/14号)に続き、8月に誕生日を迎える方々がいます。 それは、「日本の森」のコツメカワウソ、わんぱくフォー。29日で4歳になります。 男ばっかりの4頭なので、いつかは闘争して離ればなれになるのだろうと思っているのですが、精神的に幼い?のか、小競り合いはありますが、まだ皆仲良しです。 先日、前の日に遅番(お昼から出...
クラゲ飼育水製造装置 - 海遊館日記 25 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
「ふあふあクラゲ館」は、幻想的な雰囲気で人気のあるコーナーです。 この展示を陰で支えているのが、"クラゲ飼育水製造装置"です。 この装置は天然海水から汚れや雑菌を取り除き、最後に水温を調整してクラゲ水槽へと送ります。 装置の中には"膜ろ過"というものが入っています。下の写真が膜ろ過ユニットで、灰色の筒の中に膜ろ過が入っています。 膜ろ過は、白くストローのようでユニットの中に何本...
More osaka aquarium related news:
Kansai Day 7 – Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan 28 May 2013 | 07:10 pm
This is the last full day I have in Japan. The plan was to check out Osaka Bay Area, and finally do some shopping. These are the various landmarks around Dotonbori, which are mainly sign boards of re...
The Alternative Family Outing: Zoos, Aquariums & Botanical Garden 12 Dec 2007 | 01:00 pm
Alternative family outings including zoos, aquariums, botanical garden, natural reserve, animal park, animal and reptile exhibit
Home Content 31 Mar 2008 | 11:43 am
Club Member Spotlight Tell us Your Story Peter Cunningham England Very quickly after talking to the Club experts I realised I had been doing everything wrong... workin...
How To Build Your Own Mac-Aquarium 12 Nov 2011 | 01:48 pm
If you're looking for a cool idea for a fish tank and you happen to be an Apple fan, then the MacAquarium is the one for you. It's made from an iMac G3 and you'll probably get only about 3 gallons wor...
Tunze Turbelle 6015 4 Aug 2011 | 06:17 am
For aquariums from 40 to 200 litres (11 to 53 USgal.). Flow rate: 1,800 l/h (476 US gal./h). Energy consumption: 3,5W. Voltage / frequency: 230V/50Hz (115V/60Hz). Cable length: 2 m (78.7 in.). Di...
Oceanic System Aquarium Chiller 1Hp 20 Aug 2010 | 10:27 am
Oceanic System Inc Aquarium Chiller 1Hp Product Features - 3/4" or 1" I.D. - up to 250 gallons - 1,000 gph- 2,000 gph Product Description The LED display is highly visible and so simple to use. ...
Find friends Backpacker Osaka-Tokyo 23-30 January 2013 24 May 2012 | 06:49 am
Gan ane Nyati backpacker friends to japan next epidemic. My guide book for the make Kaunang Claudia, pictured below on the day + + osaka universal studios a day at Tokyo DisneySea src=”http://kkcdn-...
12/26 Shooto Border Season 2 23 Dec 2010 | 09:51 pm
Shooto will hold their Border Season 2 event in Hirano Kumin Hall, Osaka. The card will feature a main event between Shooto veteran Junji Ikoma and Teppei Masuda. Shooto will also be kicking off thei...
Aquariums à Bruxelles - la différence ! 21 May 2010 | 03:12 am
Boutique Aquariums The City Barn 42 rue stanley 1180 Uccle Bruxelles Belgique tel : 02 544 14 89 Reef One Baby BiOrb Moonlight Style et simplicité • Volume 15L / 4 Gallon Baby biOrb Moonlight...
Fluval Edge Aquarium -Brussels Belgium 21 May 2010 | 02:05 am
Fluval edge and BiOrb Aquariums Available at /disponibles The City Barn 42 rue stanley 1180 uccle Brussels Belgium tel: 02 544 14 89 The Fluval Edge is a unique and elegant design that is sure ...