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Osama Dead and People Cheering in the Streets? 3 May 2011 | 10:00 am
Osama Bin Laden is dead. He was killed by a joint Navy SEAL/ CIA strike team last night. First and foremost, I completely support our troops; I commend their efforts and I respect the sacrifices each...
Obama says Osama 'dead' 2 May 2011 | 03:42 pm
We're watching Citizen TV where President Obama is giving a statement from the White House to announce that fugitive terrorist Osama bin Laden has been killed. Whoop! Tamaku
. . . . Ciao, pluvian troat 6 Sep 2007 | 08:55 pm
The king is dead. No, not that king, this one. Luciano’s fight is over. Never again shall his voice fill our ears and hearts. He has become a legend and shall be heard in the booming of thunder, in t...
Income Reports are dead. Long live Progress Reports! 10 Apr 2012 | 10:47 pm
Some big changes are coming. As most of you could notice there was no Income Report on my blog since the beginning of the year. There are many reasons that have stopped me from publishing my total mon...
Конец света / Крах / Collapse / Collapse of the Living Dead (2010) HDRip 30 May 2012 | 05:54 pm
Информация о фильме Название: Конец света / Крах Оригинальное название: Collapse / Collapse of the Living Dead Год выхода: 2010 Жанр: Ужасы,Триллер Режиссер: Джейсон Боллинжер / Jason Bolinger, Майк С...
Dead Island the buggiest game i’ve ever played 28 Sep 2011 | 10:28 pm
Bugs are common on every software and that’s including games, but a bug that caused me to not be able to load my saved game? this is the first time ever i experienced such thing. The reason for this, ...
SEO is Dead 8 Jan 2010 | 02:41 am
In the past few years, we have seen a flurry of articles celebrating the forthcoming death of SEO (AKA linkbait) and an even larger flurry of angry rebuttal articles from the SEO community (AKA retwee...
MW3 : Why Ghost isn't Dead - Part 2 7 Sep 2011 | 08:55 am
<< Click on Dog-Tags for bigger picture. After an explaining video WHY Ghost wasn't killed in Modern Warfare 2 on Aug 28th; this time there is "...
DEAD VISTA 11 Oct 2009 | 07:16 pm
An Experiment in Being a SAHM (Stay-at-Home Mom) 16 Sep 2011 | 03:00 am
Oprah would always say that being a stay-at-home mom is the hardest job in the world. She was dead on. Recently, my husband, two kids and I took a vacation (within driving distance) for 5 nights by ...