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Osho Kundalini Meditation 4 Mar 2012 | 12:37 pm
Notizen zum heiligen Narren 7 Mar 2011 | 05:32 am
Hintergrundmusik: Also diesmal hab ich “echte” Osho-Musik für euch, Deuter nämlich mit einem Ausschnitt aus der 1980 komponierten Suite für Osho’s “Kundalini-Meditation”. Für mich klingt das zwar eher...
Osho – How i can meditate over something without using my mind 5 Jan 2013 | 07:51 pm
Question: Osho, Please explain how i can meditate over something without using my mind. Osho : Dinesh, Meditation has nothing to do with mind; meditation simply means a state of no-mind. The functioni...
Meditation in Nature 16 Aug 2012 | 02:15 am
Went to the Hessie Trail, one hour from the Osho Leela Meditation Center, today, Aug 15, 2012. We hiked up to the Lost Lake, and encountered a waterfall on the way, which is photographed here. This we...
Osho on Opening of Sahasrar [Kundalini & Meditation] 12 Jun 2013 | 11:27 am
QUESTION: HOW DOES ONE FEEL AFTER THE SAHASRAR BEGINS TO OPEN? After the sahasrar opens, there should be no feeling but inner silence and void. The feeling will be acute in the beginning – when you fe...
Osho on Opening of Sahasrar [Kundalini & Meditation] 12 Jun 2013 | 11:27 am
QUESTION: HOW DOES ONE FEEL AFTER THE SAHASRAR BEGINS TO OPEN? After the sahasrar opens, there should be no feeling but inner silence and void. The feeling will be acute in the beginning – when you fe...
OSHO Active Meditations (Sun)Day, Bucuresti 8 Septembrie @ Studio Experimental 5 Aug 2013 | 12:12 pm
...respiratie, exprimare, shaking, dans, miscare si nemiscare, grounding, observare in tacere (witnessing) si relaxare pentru a aduce prezenta si constientizare in viata de zi cu zi! Daca vreti sa ex...
Meditation Class 10 – Experience once more your kundalini awakening 22 Jan 2010 | 10:02 am
In this last part of the course, you will experience once more your Kundalini awakening. If you came along with us, you will definitely feel the cool breeze much stronger than your previous experience...
Meditation Class 9 – Sahasrara Chakra 22 Jan 2010 | 09:59 am
The uppermost energy center is one of the most important chakras in our subtle system. When Kundalini rises and pierces this center, it awakens all the nerves thus enlightening every nerve center and ...
Osho over woede 30 Jun 2010 | 10:03 am
Als je boos bent, sluit je dan op in je kamer en mediteer op die boosheid, laat die boosheid toe. Blijf onverstoord en onderdruk haar niet. Wat moet je doen als je woede voelt, intense woede? Al je...