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More outdoor dome housing related news:
Outdoor Cat House Winter - Keep Warm Your Cat In Winter 6 Mar 2012 | 09:56 pm
A cat, needs to keep warmth in winter. With concerns about your cat warm and secure during winter months, you may think giving a cat house insulated. However, cat houses Insulated can get expensive. ...
Life Architecturally – A Documentary about McBride Charles Ryan 10 Mar 2012 | 09:45 pm
Dome House by Mcbride Charles Ryan. Photo: John Gollings This great documentary by Britt Arthur recently screened on ABC 1 in Australia. ‘Life Architecturally follows internationally acclaimed husba...
Rumah dari Styrofoam di Jepang 15 Nov 2009 | 04:23 pm
Japan Dome House Co. Ltd adalah perusahaan Jepang yang membuat rumah dengan bahan dasar Styrofoam ini Dengan penggunaan bahan ini maka banyak keuntungan yang didapat selain lebih cepat, ringan dan mur...
Goldking Mine Museum in Jerome, Arizona 22 Apr 2012 | 07:06 am
Early into our two-month driving trip from Oregon to Florida, we visited the old Goldking Mine Museum in Jerome, Arizona. Difficult to describe, the largely-outdoor museum houses a collection of “stu...
Styrofoam dome houses: rumah dengan bahan styrofoam yang ringan dan anti gempa 12 Apr 2011 | 08:40 pm
Bahan styrofoam yang kita kenal kebanyakan digunakan untuk hal sehari-hari seperti untuk kotak pendingin, packaging dan gelas kopi sekali pakai tetapi ternyata styrofoam bisa bisa digunakan juga untuk...
RUMAH UNIK 24 Jul 2010 | 01:47 am
Pickle House Pernah melihat drum acar? Pickle House di Minnesota, Amerika Serikat, adalah contoh rumah tak biasa yang menarik perhatian orang (bukan acar) Dome House Dome House di Florida, Amerika ...
Peka Peka Dome House - Fritz Eisenhofer 23 Mar 2011 | 01:53 am
A Dome In Peka Peka from livlin productions. Another little jem from New Zealand. Many thanks to Damian Harrison for the tip on this interesting video about Fritz Eisenhofer's earth sheltered house i...
CLATAS, it's a real robot, you can ride! 17 May 2012 | 12:46 am
I picked this guy two times "monkey farm". He is a multi creator, he made anything by himself, dome house, fiat tunk, beautiful arts etc,. yes great guy. He made Gundam like robot "Scopedog" before, ...
Modern Concrete House Design Ideas by Pitagoras Arquitectos 13 Sep 2010 | 05:17 pm
An outdoor concrete house living room designs that complete this house will welcome us when we were come in to this house. This space was completed with the comfortable arm chair and the coffee table ...
Summer Music Season 14 Jun 2012 | 11:02 pm
The Courtyard at 51 will be transformed into an outdoor opera house amidst starry skies and delightful dining. Operatic arias and crossover classics will be performed by a piano and string trio. Th...