Most paas iaas saas related news are at:

Google Petitions FISA Court Regarding NSA Requests 26 Jun 2013 | 08:22 pm
Martha Neil reports in a June 18, 2013 article in the ABA Journal entitled “Google asks intelligence court to relax gag orders on secret data requests” that the Internet Search giant has sought a d...
Apple's Commitment to Customer Privacy and NSA Requests 19 Jun 2013 | 06:42 pm
Andy Jones reports on the NSA’s “PRISM” surveillance program and the industry’s “tech giants” (i.e. Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Yahoo) and their cooperation to date in his article in bizcl...
More paas iaas saas related news:
IaaS, PaaS and SaaS Terms Clearly Explained and Defined 28 Feb 2011 | 07:23 am
I love it when semi-abstract terms and sometimes confusing technologies have an easy way to describe them in a terse/quick manner. I found a great explanation from the "Windows Azure Platform: Cloud ...
PaaS Sandbox 实现原理分析 12 Sep 2012 | 12:10 pm
一、 云计算很火,各种云的实现方式也分为很多个流派。但是无论怎么变,基本类型是有的,主要分为SaaS,PaaS,IaaS。而平时大家接触较多的PaaS(也就是GAE,SAE等类似在线开发平台),是一般开发人员、安全人员第一能接触到的。而大家也对于其支持各种语言sandbox实现方式却并不了解,只是模糊的知道,需要修改语言源代码来做限制。至于怎么去限制,是不是只修改这些就够了,大家都不太清楚。所以...
Differenza dei servizi Cloud IaaS, PaaS E SaaS 19 Mar 2013 | 02:01 pm
In questo periodo inizierò a pubblicare articoli di carattere tecnico particolare. Saranno articoli orientati a soluzioni Informatiche avanzate, che comportano un minimo di conoscenza del mondo IT nel...
再见,新浪云商店 20 Apr 2013 | 11:10 am
尘埃落定的博客曾经架设在 Amazon EC2 上,新用户第一年免费到期后,第一个月的信用卡账单彻底把我吓尿,当时还是一名穷学生的我开始寻找替代。其实另一个主要原因是我耗费了大量的精力去处理各种扫描抓站、DDOS 攻击、爆 root,简直是把我带上了运维这条邪路越走越远。这些屁事都扔给主机服务商吧,我只想安心写点东西。 正好这时候新浪推出了云商店,基于 SAE PaaS 平台的 SaaS 服务。...
Go is gaining momentum 17 Aug 2013 | 09:16 pm
The Go language is gaining momentum among software engineers and PaaS/IaaS vendors. I think they all see potential in a simple, reliable, efficient and native-compiling language with a solid baseline ...
Home sweet home 15 Aug 2013 | 03:20 am
Saa er vi hjemme igen og de to sidste hold af sommerens gaester er draget tilbage mod nord. Turen til Skotland var helt fantastisk og jeg har saadan ca. en million billeder med hjem, paa nethinden saa...
SaaS, PaaS, Cloud? 4 Jul 2011 | 08:48 pm
With more and more companies starting to see the benefits of online services such as our online HR system, we thought it was worth a quick post to try to clear up the mass of acronyms and poorly under...
Visual Map of the Cloud Computing/SaaS/PaaS Markets: September 2008 Update 9 Sep 2008 | 06:50 am
NOTE, New Version Available: This version of the map is now outdated. I have released a new version of this map for Enterprise Cloud Summit at Interop Las Vegas. Follow this link for the latest ve...
Ski paa Mount Baw Baw 2 Aug 2011 | 07:00 pm
Selvom det er sommer i Danmark, og jeg pt har sommerferie, saa skal det da ikke forhindre mig i at komme ud at staa paa ski, isaer ikke naar man befinder sig i vinterlandet Australien. Og hvor bor er ...
Catching up with travel-buddies in Melbourne! 20 May 2008 | 02:52 pm
Saa ble det 30.april og vi hadde tilslutt klart aa forandre paa billetten og kjoept en billig en til Melbourne for aa treffe igjen bekjente fra Laos. Trodde vi skulle glede oss skikkelig, men etter en...