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Nouveau jeu de gestion de parc - Coasterado 26 Aug 2013 | 09:35 pm
dans la catégorie Jeux de gestion - Looki a lancé tout récemment un nouveau jeu de parc d'attraction, appelé Coasterado. Dans ce jeu sur navigateur gratuit, ... Lire la suite »
Nouveau MMOFPS - Ghost Recon Online 19 Aug 2013 | 07:43 pm
dans la catégorie Jeux MMOFPS - Ubisoft lance Ghost Recon Online, un MMOFPS basé sur la licence Ghost Recon, un titre à succès. Ghost Recon Online est ... Lire la suite »
More pac man related news:
Brincando com Pac-Man 1 Sep 2011 | 03:05 pm
O artesanato, a música clássica e a arquitetura me inspiram profundamente pois são coisas que me energizam e me contagiam pela atmosfera que cada uma deles pode proporcionar devido a intensidade, core...
Animação sem Usar o Flash Jogo Google Pac Man 30 Anos 22 May 2010 | 08:31 am
Quando você for criar o seu site você deve usar a melhor tecnologia possível, a Google fez uma daquelas homenagens na página principal do buscador, a homenagem foi para o aniverssãrio de 30 anos do Pa...
Sequoia Voting Machines Hacked to Play Pac-Man 1 Feb 2012 | 05:44 am
Sequoia, Diebold... what's the difference? None of them are doing their job right. This is your Sequoia touch-screen voting machine with Pac-Man hacked onto it without disturbing any of the "tamper-e...
Pac-Man the Musical: A Pacapella Song 16 May 2012 | 10:51 pm
If you are fans of Pacman and for that you love musicals necessarily you have to see the movie, which we present below. This is a film created by Random Encounters Entertaiment and it represents the P...
Pac-Man Smash as a mark 19 Apr 2012 | 07:16 pm
No one knows yet what is to be Pac-Man Smash, but Namco has put forward an initiative marking it as a trademark. The rumors indicate that Pac-Man Smash will be rough and tumble game, but Namco doesn’t...
World’s Biggest PAC-MAN 22 Apr 2011 | 08:48 pm
Pacman is a character everyone knows very well. Today we have many Pacman fans and people who constantly create new pacman games. The latest idea was create the “World’s Biggest PAC-MAN” game. It’s a ...
Pac-Man Battle Royale 16 Mar 2011 | 05:47 pm
Pac-Man Battle Royale is one of the latest slot machines to play Pacman. Until recently, available only in Japan – it can now be found in amusement arcades in the U.S., as well as in other parts of th...
Heat Changing Arcade Mugs 27 Dec 2011 | 07:44 pm
Love all those old, retro games from of yore? Heck, you would most probably be sitting at your now office desk, thinking about your heydays at the local arcade, holding on to the High Score in Pac Man...
Evac Hd 18 May 2012 | 05:10 am
Evac Hd is a unique mix puzzle, Arcade and Action game . It is like pac man game but updated and it has rich featured then pac man you can download it free from here current version is 2.3.5 it re...
最有趣的创意午餐 25 May 2012 | 02:05 am
每天早晨,艺术家 Heather Sitarzewski 唯一要做的就是给她的儿子做上这样一份早餐(PS:要是小编每天都能吃上这样的早餐,美死了!)。 瞧瞧!不都是些卡通、电影里的主角明星吗? Goofy 捉鬼敢死队 米老鼠 PAC-MAN Chip ‘n’ Dale 猪猪小姐 钢铁侠 小熊维尼 屹耳 跳跳虎 圣诞怪杰“ 加菲猫 汽车 凯蒂猫 愤怒的小鸟 海...